British Polythene Industries BPI maitains perfect record on FTSE CRS index

British Polythene Industries (BPI) plc has received recognition for the strength of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policies for a ninth consecutive year.

The business, which ranks as Europe's largest manufacturer of polythene films, bags and sacks, has once again been awarded a Certificate of Inclusion for the prestigious FTSE4Good Index.

BPI has achieved a listing every year since the index was created in 2001. Devised by FTSE Group to help investors make ethical investment choices, the index series assesses the CSR policies of businesses against stringent and globally recognised standards. Successful certification depends on an organisation's ability to meet strict requirements in five areas:

Working towards environmental sustainability

Climate Change Upholding and supporting universal human rights

Ensuring good supply chain labour standards

Countering bribery

Speaking of the firm's continued certification, John Langland, CEO BPI, said: "Receiving the FTSE4Good Certificate of Inclusion for a ninth year in a row is an achievement that BPI, its employees and its stakeholders can all be proud of. It demonstrates the strength of our collective commitment to working in a way that's mindful of our responsibilities to the environment and to society as a whole.

"It's also serves as ultimate reassurance to customers and to suppliers of the fact that when they work with is, they can expect to work with an honest, open and principled organisation."