Entec teams up with Openhouse Products to support Indian Red Cross

Entec teams up with Openhouse Products to support Indian Red Cross
Entec teams up with Openhouse Products to support Indian Red Cross

Following the sourcing and shipping of vital oxygen concentrators to Covid-hit India, MRO procurement and supply chain specialist Entec International has teamed up with medical equipment and services provider Openhouse Products to provide further much-needed support.

Openhouse has donated first responder oxygen cylinders as well as bedding, which will be consolidated with one of Entec’s oxygen concentrator shipments, destined for the Indian Red Cross, to support ambulance teams during the crisis.

Commenting on the joint initiative, Chris Ward, General Manager at Openhouse Products, said:

“We’ve been shocked and saddened by the dire conditions in India right now, so we felt compelled to offer help in whatever way we could with these donations.

Having supplied our NHS during the height of the pandemic here in the UK, Openhouse are proud to now be able to redirect our surplus resources to those most in need.”

Initially, Entec became involved with providing oxygen concentrators units through two major clients in India, who placed orders for the equipment and also connected Entec directly to the UK Government and the Indian High Commission in London.

To date the company has sourced 1000 oxygen concentrators, shipping them to the Indian Red Cross in consolidation for several donors.

Entec CEO Mike Robinson states, “We are pleased to be able to continue to support the international relief effort and welcome the opportunity to work alongside Openhouse in providing these essential supplies to India.”

He adds, “Entec will be organising the test and recertification of the cylinders from Openhouse, before they are shipped by airfreight in the coming days. In the meantime, the Indian High Commission has asked me to pass on their heartfelt thanks to Openhouse for their generous offer.”

An important aspect of Entec’s 3PMRO service is to procure and supply parts and spares to global organisations worldwide on a timely basis and at the right price. In this instance, the company sourced, procured and shipped vital equipment within days of receiving requests from clients. The team is continuing to respond to requests for aid, managing the supply and logistics with valued partners.”