Freeway launches mobile app for HGV engineering checks

Freeway launches mobile app for HGV engineering checks
Freeway launches mobile app for HGV engineering checks

Fleet management software company Freeway has launched a mobile application for vehicle engineer inspections. Designed to run on any Android, Windows or Apple mobile device, the easy to use app eliminates paperwork and ensures that thorough vehicle inspections take place.

Engineering checks are the regular safety inspections required by law for buses and HGVs, and the results must be documented. The Freeway app provides structured question sets for around 40 items, and provides options for the user to record ‘Not Applicable’, ‘Serviceable’, ‘No Defect’, ‘Defect’ and ‘Rectified’. Each check is automatically referenced back to the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) manual.

With vehicle engineers being guided through the inspection process, good working practice is promoted and operators are assured that stringent safety procedures are adhered to. The engineer is taken through each check with simple buttons for quick and easy data entry. If a defect is recorded, a pre-populated list drops down with options describing the nature and properties of the defect as well as valid reason codes.

Both defects and advisory items, as well as the severity level of the defect – whether critical or serviceable but should be monitored - are recorded. The engineer can also use the device to take photographs of the defect, which are saved as part of the defect report.

The data is sent to Freeway’s fleet management software used in the workshop, which can trigger workshop job-cards for further action. The data is also instantly available to fleet managers, engineers and inventory staff. Any work carried out and the cost thereof is also recorded. All inspection reports and repair and maintenance details are linked to the relevant vehicle’s history.

“In order for operators to comply with the law, it is essential that regular thorough inspections are carried out and a record kept of the findings,” said Patrick Tandy, Managing Director, Freeway Fleet Systems. “The Freeway app automatically stores the inspection results and the audit trail remains for the life of the asset. Detecting, reporting and addressing issues – whether critical or otherwise - reduces the risk of accidents, helps operators maintain their fleets in tip top condition, and extends the life of their vehicles.”

Freeway has managed defect reporting and management for decades. Two new developments are the provision of smartphone and tablet based capture, and seamless import from other defect capture systems.