Mono is the driving force in the community

Audenshaw based Mono® NOV, Europe's leading designer and manufacturer of pumps, parts, grinders, screens and packaged systems, has donated a minibus to charity, St. Peter's Partnerships, which runs a range of community-based projects and businesses in the local area.

The nine-seater minibus, which was previously used by Mono to transport visiting customers and distributors to various installations around the UK, will be used by St. Peter's Partnerships to transport children, youths and other community groups to and from venues and events in and around Ashton-Under-Lyne.

Karen Butigan, Chief Executive of St. Peter's Partnerships, commented: "Transport for community activities is always an issue, it's often expensive and difficult to organise. Through the generosity of Mono, a major local employer, this minibus will make a big difference to the level of service we are able to provide to local people – it's great news!"

St. Peter's Partnerships provides support and services to the local community of the St. Peter's ward of Ashton-under-Lyne. Its aim is to bring people together to promote a range of community initiatives that have been developed to help tackle some of the underlying and long term difficulties of the regeneration area.

For more information on St. Peter's Partnerships, visit

Photo caption: (Standing) Group Managing Director of Mono, Paul Naylon and Joyce Bowerman, Chair of the St. Peter's Community Committee and a Trustee of St. Peter's Partnerships. (Driving) Brenda Eckershall, Chair of the West End Residents Association and also a Trustee of St. Peter's Partnerships.