Navman Wireless CTO Paresh Nagda named of the top CTOs by IDGs InfoWorld magazine

InfoWorld CTO 25 Awards Recognise 'Unsung Heroes' Who Drive IT Innovation

Paresh Nagda, Navman Wireless's Chief Technology Officer, has been named one of the top CTOs of 2010 in the annual InfoWorld CTO 25 Awards from IDG's InfoWorld magazine.

The awards honour senior IT executives who have demonstrated leadership in their companies and the IT community by translating the promise of technology into tangible business benefits.

Nagda was recognised for a "language localisation automation project", designed to expedite entry into new global markets for Navman Wireless' OnlineAVL2 fleet tracking system.

That custom-built translation framework has reduced localisation time for OnlineAVL2 from months to weeks, enabling rapid expansion into countries including, Mexico, China, Taiwan and Italy over the last 18 months.

As a result, 12 per cent of the company's installed base is now in non-English-speaking markets, and Navman Wireless is well-positioned to further increase global penetration of its GPS-based fleet tracking technology to help fleet managers reduce fuel, labour and other fleet operating costs.

The company is one of the few fleet tracking providers to utilise a single software platform for all global markets, providing the same robust feature set in all locations.

The InfoWorld award citation also named a series of other Nagda initiatives that have been instrumental in driving new business for Navman Wireless. Those projects range from optimising the geographic information service system used by OnlineAVL2 for the specific customer location to improving the application architecture to provide for the scalability required to support even larger enterprises.

"There are more than 100 million commercially owned and operated vehicles in developed countries alone, but only a fraction of those vehicles are equipped with fleet tracking solutions," said T.J. Chung, CEO of Navman Wireless.

"This presents a major business opportunity for the company that can deliver better technology which is already globalised. The InfoWorld CTO 25 Award recognises Paresh's role in making that possible and thereby contributing to our growth, market share and success."

Galen Gruman, Executive Editor/New and Features, InfoWorld, added: "Everyone knows that 2009 was an extraordinarily tough year for most organisations. Despite that environment, some CTOs were able to move forward with innovation, in some cases finding ways to create new opportunities for their business and in others leveraging the economic crisis to make their IT operations significantly better even as they got leaner.

"The ability to be innovative and cost-effective was very evident in this year's InfoWorld CTO 25 winning entries. These IT leaders combined management savvy, technological insight, and the ability to lead a team to success despite difficult circumstances."