Navman Wireless forges partnership with road hauliers network

Navman Wireless has signed an agreement with Pall-Ex, the UK's network of leading road hauliers, to become the preferred supplier of vehicle tracking systems to its members.

Pall-Ex, boasting 100 member companies with a combined fleet of more than 7,500 vehicles, is in the process of developing and improving its own transport management information system - Pall-IT - and the partnership will see Navman Wireless play a pivotal role in the new cutting-edge initiative.

"We are delighted Pall-Ex has chosen Navman Wireless to support this innovative new transport management system," said Tony Neill, Executive Vice President, Navman Wireless.

"Its decision to position us as its preferred supplier further strengthens our reputation as a world leader at the fore of the vehicle tracking industry."

The Pall-Ex network operates by members sharing trailers with other freight bound for the same destination, reducing both haulage and environmental costs.

The innovative new web-based Pall-IT system will give the organisation's members access to a streamlined labelling and tracking system, enabling them to increase efficiency and productivity.

"We researched the vehicle tracking marketplace, conducted a thorough process of due diligence with a number of suppliers, and found that Navman Wireless's system was the one most worthy of our endorsement," said Pall-Ex IT director Sean Sherwin-Smith.

"We feel confident in recommending it to our membership thanks to its proven reputation for reliability, security and advanced functionality. Furthermore, Navman Wireless is a financially secure company with an impressive trading history. Its technology infrastructure and relationships with other technology providers is second to none."

Pall-Ex's new transport management system will be web-based, enabling customers to access it and label goods at their own offices. This will negate the need for pallets to be re-labelled for onward journeys from members' depot.

"The integration with Navman Wireless will allow us to introduce our members to some really clever technological developments, such as enabling them to track individual vehicles through our system," Sean added.

Navman Wireless is the UK's largest manufacturer of tracking, messaging and navigation equipment. Globally, the company boasts more than 7,500 customers across 10 countries.

For more information contact Navman Wireless on 01782 557950 or visit