Since the launch of their new ePTFE membrane, Tetratex EXTREME, in September 2008, Donaldson Membranes has been determined to add to the range of substrates available to customers.
Tetratex EXTREME displays a significantly higher permeability to previous Tetratex membranes and delivers increased dust collector airflow characteristics and excellent particulate capture rates. The complex structure of the membrane ensures particulate emissions can be maintained at near-zero levels for the operational life of the media.
For use in industrial fabric filter applications, the aim of all Donaldson Tetratex ePTFE membranes is to maximise filtration efficiency, airflow and operational durability. The engineering of a membrane which satisfies any two out of these criteria is problematic enough; to create a membrane which not only meets, but exceeds ALL of these requirements is an EXTREMEly tough technical challenge, but one which Donaldson has met to date with their existing portfolio of Tetratex products.
The new EXTREME membrane enhances Donaldson's already proven Tetratex ePTFE membrane portfolio, and is available in Polyester, Polyester Antistatic, Pleatable Polyester, Polypropylene Antistatic, Acrylic, Acrylic Antistatic, Aramid, Aramid Antistatic, Pleatable Aramid, PPS, Pleatable PPS, PPS Antistatic and Polyimide.
To request a sample of any of the new filter media email or call +44 (0) 1942 711711.