Total systems for total performance as Kawasaki launches new product range at Bauma

What’s the problem?

Initially published in 2001, the Skills Gap Report which was published in partnership with Deloitte was a study which indicated a mismatch between the skills of available working people and the skills that the manufacturing industry required. The reports that followed confirmed that gap and showed an increasing mismatch of skills.

The shortage of senior, highly-skilled engineers across the board in the UK has been highlighted by figures released in the latest manufacturing purchasing managers’ index (PMI) which has now reached its lowest level in more than three years, following the EU referendum.

John Boote

To understand the skills gap, we have to understand how the public understands manufacturing. Many people still see manufacturing as a dark, dirty and even dangerous industry.

Most students at secondary school level recognise that science & maths subjects could be useful for getting a good job. However, far fewer feel such jobs are attainable or relevant to them. To add to the problem, the profile of those who do go on to study particular Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) subjects and pursue certain STEM careers is too narrow. Women, working class and some minority ethnic groups remain under-represented in some disciplines and occupations, particularly in engineering. This not only means a pool of potential talent is being lost, but that those industries are missing out on the many benefits of a more diverse workforce.

Studies show that these groups tend to have limited exposure to the world of STEM, which those with high levels of exposure generally gaining this through family members’ qualifications, occupations and interests. The greater the level of exposure to STEM, the more likely a student is to study STEM subjects post-16 years of age.

Putting emphasis on the relevant technical skills

STEM subjects are hugely important; however, much of the current technology curriculum for university and college education doesn’t place enough emphasis on the relevant technical skills needed in today’s manufacturing businesses either. The challenge is that new technologies are emerging at an unprecedented pace and the education system is struggling to keep up with it. Often college and university curriculums are running out of date courses and subsequently graduates leave with outdated skills impacting their employability.

If a new technology does emerge, it can take 6-18 months for this to get onto a curriculum aligned to exams by which time the technology landscape will have moved on again. There is clearly a lack of synchronised technical skills training at college and university level which is struggling to keep pace with the accelerated technology change in industry.

Traditionally working in manufacturing meant manual jobs needing vocational skills and on-the-job training through apprenticeships. Over time, industrial engineers and IT professionals have become in demand as manufacturing has become more automated.

Collaborative manufacturing is creating a greater need for up-to-date IT and technical skills. Employers are needing to upskill both entry level candidates as well as existing staff with advanced skills.

Upholding our position as a leading engineering nation

A strong British engineering sector is vital to the long term sustainability of our economic recovery, and increasing the supply of engineers is at the heart of this. As a country we excel in hi-tech industries but we need engineers to make sure the UK stays ahead of our competitors. The rest of the world is not stagnant, so we must do everything we can to uphold our position as a leading engineering nation. The Government’s Engineering UK report finds that engineering businesses have the potential to contribute an extra £27 billion to the UK economy every year from 2022 if we can meet the demand for a quarter of a million new vacancies in the same timeframe.

Businesses and government bodies are already working hard to attract and retain talent within their workforce, but there is always more that can be done to improve the image of the UK’s manufacturing sector and promote the benefits of pursuing a career in this area. With the decision to leave the EU causing increased uncertainty, business and the Government must act quickly in order to keep the UK and the sector an attractive employment option.

Using technology to bridge the skills AND generation gap

To bridge the skills gap, there is a trend for companies to recruit new staff with 50-60 percent of the skills required, as they are unable to find workers with all of the skills required. Employers are bringing these staff into their business with base-level skills and then providing comprehensive training to bring them up to the required level.

At the other end of the spectrum, highly experienced senior managers over 40 years old within the industry, have an immense amount of knowledge to pass on, but can be reluctant to change and be less patient with new technology.

Modern technology helps recruit and retain new workers, propelling manufacturing to a new era of innovation. The right technology allows multiple generations of workers to “meet in the middle” and support manufacturing’s transition. As an example, modern enterprise resource planning (ERP) & product lifecycle management (PLM) solutions reinforce the traditional best practices, as well as meet expectations of younger generation users who can get up to speed quickly on best practices and easily obtain critical historical data for reference and training. Employees of all ages have the opportunity to share knowledge with new recruits through the use of collaborative tools.

Continuing to engage with educational establishments

The skills gap is most noticeable in the STEM sector, however it is important not to solely focus on this area. The requirement for a flow of highly talented, creative and original workers into the UK holds the key for the future development of companies across the spectrum.

As employers, we must take steps to narrow the skills gap now. This comprises of ensuring existing employees are up-skilled and being committed to finding new talent, both of which will help future proof businesses.

Many manufacturers are making great effort to engage with educational establishments, from primary to university level, which is already leading to greater enthusiasm for manufacturing & engineering amongst young people. Additionally, apprenticeships can play a key role in creating a more prepared and qualified workforce, benefitting both the individual and the employer.

Apprenticeships play a role in preparing skilled workers

Apprenticeships can certainly play a huge role in preparing skilled workers whilst offering employers the opportunity to strengthen and diversify their workforce providing a future talent pipeline tailored to the individual business needs.

Apprenticeships offer substantial training and the development of transferable skills. Most training is on-the-job working with a mentor, to learn job specific skills in the workplace. This means that technical skills vital to business performance and growth are gained and strengthened, helping to develop our industry as a whole. Apprenticeships bring opportunity; to attract new talent, offer progression and develop a motivated, skilled and qualified workforce.

Moving towards employer led standards

In April 2017, a new levy will require all companies that operate within England to pay 0.5% of their payroll towards funding apprenticeships. There is an allowance of ÂŁ15,000 therefore in reality only companies with an annualised payroll of more than ÂŁ3M will pay the levy.

The levy will support the existing frameworks as they move towards the employer led standards. Current frameworks are currently being phased out and are expected to be removed completely by 2020.

To formulate a new Apprenticeship Standard requires 10 companies to design and submit the standard. Only when this has been approved, can it proceed. This standard can then be used by the company who submitted it, as well as every other companies in the UK. The overall idea being that the levy will support the Government's commitment to improving productivity by increasing the quantity and quality of apprenticeships.

Employers need to take a leap of faith and make the extra investment on supporting new applicants, so they can deliver the skills needed for the business and industry in the long term. The levy could be very powerful for closing the skills gap in the manufacturing industry. Some of the investment is a sunk cost which lowers the threshold for making the business case weigh up to recruit apprentices.

The Apprenticeship Levy will not solve all of our skills problems, but a supply of thousands of skilled apprentices every year will make a positive difference. The levy will most definitely help to transform the skills landscape in the UK manufacturing industry.

Making career choices within the sector more inviting

A positive image of the sector portrayed by the media is vital. Helping to change historic perceptions of the industry will make career choices within the sector more inviting.

In order to accelerate the narrowing of the skills gap, the Government now needs to help businesses by promoting employment on every level. The decision to leave the EU without doubt poses a serious problem for talent acquisition as many businesses source much-needed talent from the EU. Adapting to marketplace changes as and when new agreements are made will be needed to overcome the ramifications of the Brexit vote.

Continued improvement in the co-ordination, quality, reach and impact of engineering outreach activity by the whole engineering community, business and industry is essential. Building on existing programmes is necessary to positively influence the perceptions and subject choices of young people and get more of them interested in a career in engineering.

Education programmes such as Tomorrow’s Engineers have made it clear that this is best achieved through collaboration and support from local, regional and national STEM employers. Government, working in partnership with business, the education sector and the engineering community, needs to ensure the provision of a national coordinated employer – led, informed and relevant approach to careers inspiration in educational establishments.

Meeting the forecasted demand

It is not unreasonable then, to think that every child should have an engineering experience that is linked to careers and the curriculum, with all schools and colleges being held to account through their relevant inspection authority. This should in turn help us achieve the latest Government target of a two-fold increase in the number of Advanced Apprenticeship achievements in engineering and manufacturing technology, which will be fundamental in us meeting the forecasted demand for skilled engineers by 2022.


Jess Penny

General Manager, Penny Hydraulics Ltd

01246 811475

Leading agricultural fertiliser producer, CF Fertilisers UK, has opted to switch its tire policy to Continental Tires for the heavy-duty forklifts and on-site trailers at its Cheshire headquarters and manufacturing site.

The company runs a fleet of 14 heavy-duty Kalmar DCE 10 forklifts and some 12 two-axle A-frame trailers at its Ince plant. These tackle the heavy-lifting and movement of 600kg and 1000kg bags of fertiliser from the point of production to storage and despatch facilities elsewhere on site. The site itself, at Ince in Cheshire, sits on 124 acres of land next to the Manchester Ship Canal and includes one Ammonia and three 3 Nitric Acid plants, a further Nitrogen fertiliser plant and 3 compound lines. With approximately 400 employees on site, CF Fertilisers produces 1 million tonnes of fertiliser a year and supplies key market sectors in grass and arable farming. So intensive is the process, its continuous production lines at Ince, and sister site in Billingham in the northeast, account for some 2% annually of the nation’s natural gas usage.

Anthony Jones, Day Handling Team Leader, explained the change in tire policy. “You have to understand that the site is very demanding on tires. Though it is largely flat land, like any major site there is a degree of unevenness at points around the working area that test the wear patterns and life of tires, but our main concern lies in safety-challenges emanating from tire wear. Our Kalmar fork-lifts can pick up four 1000kg bags of fertiliser at one time, and, because they are suspended on straps, each load is effectively ‘live’ in terms of the danger of swinging during transit; while our trailers, which we run as pairs at all times, can also carry that much each.

Because of the nature of the site, safety is a major everyday consideration, and that works right through everything we do. Handling and moving loads with this sort of weight, 24/7, is a key part of the inherent risk on the site, so we take it very seriously indeed.”

The company first looked at Continental Tires in late 2015, and a trial was initiated that was due to run for a full six months. Continental Tires along with local dealer, Nation Tires, offered to set up the trial on both fork-lifts and trailers.

Anthony Jones recalls, “We decided to give ‘Conti’ a chance. We felt the tires we had been using were being changed far too often – so something had to give. We liked the ideas the Continental team put forward and the confidence they had that they could improve on both safety and economy; and we especially liked the fact that they had a very competent and professional local dealer, Nation Tires, the Continental Tires Industrial network partner at Ellesmere Port. A blow-out on a tire, quite apart from the huge safety risk, can also have a very damaging commercial effect on us. We run 24/7, 365 days a year, and if a forklift or pair of trailers is unavailable to us, we soon see back-logs of product needing to be cleared from the end of the production line and moved to storage areas. We produce some 21 different varieties of fertiliser, including our top-selling Nitram brand, and that’s over 1 million tonnes a year: a continuous process that simply cannot be put at risk.”

The initial trial was scheduled for six months, but the immediate improvement was so noticeable that, within just three months, the decision was made to switch the whole fleet to Continental Tires products. The big, heavy-duty Kalmar forklifts feature six tires on two axles. Again, for safety reasons, CF Fertilisers decided to go for the heavy duty pneumatic tires, ContiRT20 11.00 x 20s, but also to inject them with foam. ”Continental said we’d get 12 months wear out of these,” says Jones, “but nine months into their usage, we are still only 50% worn and looking good. It is great economically, in terms of purchase price and saved downtime, and a real bonus from the safety angle. The trucks have special rising cabs in order to be able to deal with the work, and a tire blowing out on a heavily laden truck with the cab raised to its full 10 foot extension could cause it to tip over- and that’s simply unthinkable!”

The onsite trailers used to move bagged products from production into storage areas are two-axle A-frame draw bar units, hitched in pairs and pulled behind agricultural tractors as prime movers. The major problem, again, was too-frequent changes due to wear. Anthony Jones adds, “There was also a major safety risk here. The tires were wearing, and the most worrying part was that it was the sidewalls that were exhibiting most stress, so a blow-out was a constant threat.” The trailers have standard draw-bar configuration of steering front axle and rear fixed axle, both with twin tire hubs. As with the fork-lifts, Continental tires, in this case Continental IC40 10 x 20s, are delivering longer wear times and enhanced safety.

Nation Tires, the local dealer to CF Fertilisers, had a major part to play in the success of the Continental Tires trial and take-up. Managing director, Tony Glennon, said, “For a site this size, with the variety and significance of the vehicles we are talking about here, having a local dealership of our size and capability was an important part of reassuring CF Fertilisers in their switch to Continental Tires. We understood their need for a genuine 24/7/365 support service and were both prepared and able to bring this to the mix, with 17 staff and nine mobile site-service vehicles. They demand a 60-90 minute callout response in the event of a tire needing any sort of attention, and we deliver.”

Anthony Jones has the last word, saying, “No new relationship is going to be entirely free of teething problems, but with Continental and Nation Tires I think we have got as close to a problem-free start as anyone could have wished. I now feel we have a superior level of site safety because of the switch, and the fact that the company is saving money, by getting far fewer tire failures and significantly longer tire life, is an added bonus.”

The latest Continental Customer testimonial video is available via ContinentalTiresTV:

Barton Fabrications, the UK’s largest manufacturer of aluminium storage silos, has achieved accreditation to CE mark its vessels to EN 1090: this ensures compliance with the latest Construction Products Regulations. The standard gives customers the confidence that the silos, pipework, gantries and ladders supplied by Barton, which are all considered structural products, have traceability and conform to mandatory structural requirements.

Commenting on the accreditation Mark Barton, Managing Director and owner of Barton Fabrications said:

“We are delighted to receive the accreditation as this recognises the high level of design, procurement, manufacturing and quality control standards we adopt. We have further enhanced our processes as part of the accreditation assessment – this has included using coded welders for all structural components and improving our job card system.

“Buyers have a responsibility to ensure that the structural products they procure from their suppliers meet all relevant standards and the CE Marked certification we issue with every silo gives buyers the confidence that they have minimised procurement risk”

The now mandatory Construction Products Regulations replace the Construction Products Directive and dictate that any steel or aluminium construction product, which includes silos, are CE Marked to the harmonised European Standard EN 1090. Barton supply full CE documentation electronically following installation of any silo or other structural component supplied.

For more details on Barton Fabrications’ silo solutions, contact Mark Barton:-

Tel: +44 (0) 1275 845901

E-mail: Web:

Terex Trucks will exhibit the old and the new at Hillhead 2018 with its Gen10 TA300 and its R17 hauler – which dates back more than 40 years.

Terex Trucks is set to return to Hillhead once again – this time, to showcase the latest TA300 alongside the vintage R17 hauler. “We are excited to be at Hillhead this year, it’ll be a good opportunity to show customers what the Terex Trucks brand is all about,” says Paul Douglas, Managing Director of Terex Trucks. “Having the R17 on our stand gives visitors a rare opportunity to take a glimpse into the history of hauling. Terex Trucks’ heritage can be traced back to 1934 when the world’s first off-road dump truck was created. It’s not often that you get to see a 40-year-old truck that’s still in working condition; we hope this highlights the level of quality we build into our machines. Of course, our current machine, the TA300 articulated hauler, will take pride of place too and shows that we remain committed to creating quality trucks that are built to last.”

A strong partnership

Occupying stand N14, Terex Trucks will be joined by its official UK dealer, TDL Equipment, which will be located on stand A7.

“Since the very beginning, TDL’s ethos has been to provide local support on a national basis – and that’s something we still strive towards today,” says John Black, Sales Director at TDL Equipment. “This, together with our partnership with Terex Trucks, means that we are able to offer haulers to our customers that help them to provide an enhanced level of service to their own customers.”

With 476 exhibitors and 18,601 visitors from 71 countries, the 2016 Hillhead show was quite literally record-breaking – and the 2018 show is set to be even bigger. It will take place from June 26th - 28th at Tarmac’s Hillhead Quarry near Buxton, Derbyshire.

The old and the new

Based in Scotland, Terex Trucks has been building robust haulers at its Motherwell site since 1950. Taking pride of place on the Terex Trucks stand will be the new TA300 articulated hauler and the R17, which dates back to the early 1970s. Achieving a payload of 28 tonnes (30.9 tons) and powered by a five-cylinder Scania DC9 EU Stage IV compliant engine, the TA300 hauler is designed to withstand the toughest conditions at quarries, infrastructure developments and commercial projects. With a maximum torque of 1,880 Nm, the machine has great traction and an effective power-to-weight ratio to ensure material is moved quickly and cost-effectively across all kinds of terrain and in any type of weather. Additionally, the machine features an ergonomically designed cab, complete with plenty of space and a commanding view for maximum operator comfort.

More than 40 years old, the R17 13.5 tonnes (14.9 tons) hauler represents the history of Terex Trucks. Originally, the engine was manufactured in Cumbernauld and the machine itself was built in Motherwell. A team of apprentices have been working hard at the Motherwell factory to restore the machine back to its original glory. With the work now complete on the truck, visitors at Hillhead will be able to appreciate the historic craftsmanship of the R17 for themselves, from the simple yet effective operating system to original features such as the driver’s seat and engine.

Street Crane has announced that Andrew Pimblett is stepping down as managing director after 49 years with the business, 38 of which he served as a board member. His successor is Gus Zona, who has worked for Street in the roles of both sales director and operations director.

Andrew, who has been managing director for 28 years, has spent his whole career with Street Crane. He joined the company as a technical apprentice in 1969 and quickly worked his way up the ranks. He was made sales director in 1980 before being appointed deputy managing director and then managing director in 1990.

Throughout this time, Andrew has not only been instrumental in transforming Street from a local crane fabricator into the UK’s largest crane and hoist manufacturer but establishing the company as a leading supplier of hoists and components to other crane manufacturers worldwide.

Andrew and his team has consistently grown Street’s UK crane manufacturing operation in a period which has seen a sharp decline in crane purchases from British manufacturers and competitors go out of business. From a standing start, he led the company into the global hoist and crane components business, which is now the larger part of Street.

He said: “When I joined Street it was a very small company which manufactured custom-made cranes predominately for the Sheffield steel industry. It was always my ambition that one day we’d be able to compete with the big names in the pre-engineered volume crane and component sector, but most people told me that would never happen.

“To have proved them wrong is very satisfying. Street has grown and evolved rapidly, achieving phenomenal success driven primarily by our commitment to investing in product development and innovation.

“We now have a vast engineering team, including many experienced designers as well as a large number of younger graduates, all of whom are focused on designing new products. This has helped us to create one of the biggest ranges of cranes and components in the world, which we sell to more than 100 distributors globally and to end users in a vast number of sectors in the UK.

“I’m incredibly proud of these achievements and of all the people at Street which have been instrumental in this success.

“Being Street’s managing director is however, a very demanding job that takes you all over the world, so I feel the time is right to pass the baton. I have no doubt that Gus is the perfect person for this job. His appointment is a result of a long-standing succession plan and I wish him every success.”

Gus is an experienced and long-serving member of the Street team having joined the company in 1988. He worked initially in production control and purchasing before serving two terms on the board firstly as sales director and latterly as operations director. In between these two roles at Street, Gus was managing director at Lloyds British Testing.

Gus added: “It’s going to be a challenge stepping into Andrew’s shoes but I’m looking forward to taking on this new role and building on Street’s achievements.

“There is a huge opportunity to grow the business even further by expanding our distributor network and continuing to bring technologically-advanced products to the market. This will include cranes that self-monitor safety, servicing and maintenance and will have a huge impact on the sector. With our R&D and engineering capabilities, our aim is to be at the forefront of these digital developments.”

Andrew will remain at Street Crane as a non-executive director advising on strategic matters and working three days per week.

The British Safety Council has appointed Paul Fakley as Engagement Director. This is a new post in the organisation. Paul joins the charity and membership body from Travel and General Insurance Services (which included the Association of Bonded Travel Organisers Trust), where he was Sales and Marketing Director. Prior to this he was Group Marketing & Business Development Director for Circle Housing.

At the same time, the British Safety Council has appointed Dave Parr as Policy and Technical Director. Dave Parr has been heading Audit and Technical Services at the organisation for the last six years and has worked for BSC since 2005 in various roles including auditor, NVQ Manager and Product Development and Delivery Manager.

Paul brings with him 26 years of marketing and business development experience gained in B2B and consumer-focused roles. He spent a significant part of his career in the insurance industry, heading up marketing for brands such as Direct Line and Churchill.

Commenting on his appointment, Paul Fakley said: “The British Safety Council has been the beating heart of health and safety in the UK for more than 60 years. It is with great pleasure that I join the organisation at such an important time. Workplaces around the world are changing dramatically and the role of the British Safety Council needs to evolve to meet those needs and keep workers free from injury and illness. I look forward to working with the senior management team, trustees and broader business to build on recent initiatives and reaffirm the British Safety Council’s position as the leading voice in health and safety.”

Dave Parr said: “I am looking forward to the challenge of ensuring that the British Safety Council remains a leading voice on health, safety and wellbeing issues. Its strong corporate membership base, both within the UK and internationally, gives the organisation a unique position of influence to ensure that the welfare and safety of workers are the primary factors in business planning and regulatory change. I would like the British Safety Council to use that leverage to help all workplaces to continually improve.”

These two appointments have been made following the resignation of Louise Ward, Policy Standards and Communications Director, who for the past two years has been the driving force behind policy and engagement activity at the British Safety Council. Louise will be returning to the industry, taking up a new role in environment, health and safety.

Just three weeks after the unveiling of Volvo Trucks’ first all-electric truck, the Volvo FL Electric, the company is expanding its product range with yet another electric truck - the Volvo FE Electric. Designed for heavier city distribution and refuse transport operations with gross weights of up to 27 tonnes, sales of the new vehicle will commence in Europe in 2019.

“With the introduction of the Volvo FE Electric we have a comprehensive range of electrically powered trucks for city operations and are taking yet another strategic step forward in the development of our total offer in electrified transport solutions. This opens the door to new forms of co-operation with cities that target to improve air quality, reduce traffic noise, and cut congestion during peak hours since commercial operations can instead be carried out quietly and without tale-pipe exhaust emissions early in the morning or late at night,” says Claes Nilsson, President Volvo Trucks.

The first Volvo FE Electric, a refuse truck with a superstructure developed together with Europe's largest truck bodybuilder, Faun, will start operating in early 2019 in Germany’s second-largest city, Hamburg.

“Hamburg, which was named European Green Capital of the EU in 2011, has worked long and successfully on a broad front to enhance green and sustainable urban development. This applies not least in the transport sector, where electrified buses from Volvo are already being used in the public transport network. The experiences and ambitions from this venture make Hamburg a highly interesting partner for us,” says Jonas Odermalm, Product Line Vice President for the Volvo FL and Volvo FE at Volvo Trucks.

Prof. Dr. RĂŒdiger Siechau, CEO of Stadtreinigung Hamburg, sees large potential for environmental benefits with electric trucks in the city. “Today, each of our 300 conventional refuse vehicles emits approximately 31.300 kgs carbon dioxide every year. An electrically-powered refuse truck with battery that stands a full shift of eight to ten hours is a breakthrough in technology. Another benefit is the fact that Stadtreinigung Hamburg generates climate-neutral electricity that can be used to charge the batteries.”

The new Volvo FE Electric will be offered in several variants for different types of transport assignment. For instance with Volvo’s low-entry cab, which makes it easier to enter and exit the cab and gives the driver a commanding view of surrounding traffic. The working environment improves too as a result of the low noise level and vibration-free operation. Battery capacity can be optimised to suit individual needs and charging takes place either via the mains or via quick-charge stations.

“Our solutions for electrified transport are designed to suit the specific needs of each customer and each city. In addition to the vehicles, we will offer everything from route analysis to services and financing via our network of dealers and workshops throughout Europe. We also have close partnerships with suppliers of charging infrastructure,” says Jonas Odermalm.

Croydon-based haulage provider, Diamond Distribution, is celebrating after the company’s managing director scooped an award at the recent 2018 Everywoman in Transport & Logistics Awards, which was supported by the Freight Transport Association.

Keely Priestman, who received the Leader in the Freight Industry Award, has been in the logistics industry for 14 years, starting her career as a PA. She established Diamond Distribution, which is a member of Palletways, the Europe’s largest and fastest growing express palletised freight network, in 2013 and the business now has 22 members of staff and 18 vehicles under her leadership.

Everywoman runs a portfolio of high profile awards programmes that celebrate the achievements of women across a diverse range of sectors and industries. This latest award is a major coup for Keely and the Diamond team, and the business aims to continually provide opportunities for women in haulage. While women account for just 8% of the haulage industry, the team at Diamond Distribution is one third female. In addition to this, all of the senior management roles at the company are currently held by women.

Keely, who was presented with the prestigious award at last week’s ceremony in London, said: “I’m absolutely thrilled to have won this award and would like to congratulate all of the other winners and nominees on their achievements this year. To be recognised as leading the way for women in logistics is a great honour and it’s great to see other hardworking women getting the recognition they so rightly deserve in a male-dominated industry.

“Since establishing Diamond Distribution just over five years ago, I’ve worked with some fabulous people and I’d like to thank them all for their ongoing support. I couldn’t have won this award without my Diamond team and it’s not only a reflection of me, but also recognition of their hard work and success.”

Palletways Network Development Director, Barry Byers, added: “Keely has made a conscious effort to provide opportunities for women in the logistics industry and we’re delighted that she’s been officially recognised for her continued excellence as a leader. She is a true role model for women looking to join the industry and we’re sure this is the first of many awards that she’ll receive.

“Diamond Distribution continues to make a significant contribution to the strength of the network and sets an excellent example to other members and businesses across the industry. Palletways is a people-based business and we’re delighted that the Diamond team is part of our family. We’re glad to be a part of their success story and look forward to celebrating their next award again soon.”

The company, which offers palletised freight, dedicated loads and storage facilities, covers the CR, SM, RH and TN postcode areas and has a wide range of customers from tile manufacturers to beauty product wholesalers. Diamond Distribution is a regular ‘Palletways Platinum Club’ member in recognition of its first-class customer service and was a finalist for ‘Best SME’ at last year’s Croydon Awards, where Keely was also a finalist in the ‘Women in Business’ category.

Diamond Distribution is one of over 114 independent transport providers that are part of the Palletways UK network. They benefit from shared expertise and resources from within the group to deliver consignments of palletised freight to market faster and more cost effectively than ever before. The Palletways Group comprises 450+ depots and 20 hub operations, through which it provides collection and distribution services across 20 European countries, including the UK.

Let’s go fly the world’s largest kite! The team that has the job of doing just that can take it anywhere – and they do – thanks to

The Kuwait-based crew has the Guinness World Record for the largest kite flown, the Kuwait flag, measuring 1000 square meters. They have two more non-record holding kites measuring 1200 and 1250 square meters each.

Andrew Beattie, logistics manager for the Al-Farsi Kite team said, “We fly round the world, including Kuwait, France, Holland, England and New Zealand and we need packaging suitable for the job. We found our perfect pallet boxes at They call it 1311S 3R. It is the biggest pallet box we have found anywhere.”

Size wasn’t the only demand for their plastic pallet box, with desert heat and a hands-on team to contend with. Andrew said, “We are particularly hard on our crates. We move them about off-road on the beach and on fields. Sometimes loaded crates get tipped on their sides. We climb on them and in them. We leave them out in the flying field in any weather. We store them outside in the heat of Kuwait. We push them around when no handling equipment is available.

“And while we are harsh in our treatment of the crates, we expect them to be kind to us. No sharp edges that might damage the lightweight fabric when we drag it in or out of the crate.”

Wood is not an option as the kite fabric is incredibly delicate and can get caught on splinters and nails. Andrew said, “Wooden pallet boxes are useless. They fall apart under rough handling, you can’t tip them over repeatedly while loaded and expect them to survive. They are nailed shut, which creates splinters that can catch on delicate fabric. They work loose which creates gaps to snag things. And wooden packaging is most unwelcome in ports with tighter biosecurity rules.”

Their chosen pallet box has a 1400 litre capacity and is smooth inside, making it the gentle giant the record kite needs.

Andrew said, “They have smooth edges inside and out, so they never damage the kites. We can jump on them, push them over, squeeze them over-full and they just soldier on. The later models have great, tough, good-fitting lids that keep the weather (and curious fingers) out of the crates. As a bonus, when empty, they are light enough for one person to manhandle.” has the expertise to advise on everything from the correct size, weight and handling of its empty or loaded boxes, crates and pallets. Jim Hardisty, Managing Director of said, “Our plastic pallet boxes are put through their paces in many different industries – from the transportation and storage of delicate pharmaceuticals to sturdy automotive parts – but this is something else. We have faith in our products and it is rewarding to see them being put to use in this record-breaking and enjoyable way.” is the UK’s leading independent supplier of plastic pallets, pallet boxes and small containers. The company stocks in excess of 160 different styles of plastic pallets suitable for all types of applications – and many available for next day delivery, 32 different sizes and styles of plastic pallet boxes and a comprehensive range of small containers, crates and trays.

View the boxes in use by the Al-Farsi Kite team here:

Cimcorp, a manufacturer and integrator of turnkey robotic gantry-based order fulfillment and tire-handling solutions, announces construction plans to expand its production and office facilities at its headquarters in Ulvila, Finland. The new facilities will be built on 8,500 square meters of land, bought by Cimcorp in August 2017, nearly doubling the footprint of its current 9,500-square-meter space. The expansion will enable the company to accommodate its continuing business growth with greater capacity and efficiency, as well as incorporate new space for research and development.

The current facilities include 5,800 square meters dedicated to manufacturing and 3,700 square meters of office space. The expansion will extend the floor area by 7,900 square meters, adding 5,700 square meters for production and 2,200 square meters for offices. With more manufacturing space, Cimcorp can meet growing customer requirements and volume increases with greater production capacity and the ability to manage larger-sized projects. Further, the new, three-floor office building will provide more room as the company continues to grow its team of staff.

Notably, the expanded facility will allow Cimcorp to build upon its strengths in the development of unique material handling systems. With this expansion, Cimcorp will have a total floor area of 17,400 square meters.

Masatoshi Wakabayashi, CEO, Cimcorp Oy, said, “Our decision to expand our Ulvila facilities is a direct result of the substantial business growth that we have seen over the last five years, and the expected continued growth into the future. There has been a sustained increase in orders, and we have continued to invest in product development. This expansion will ensure that we have the capacity and efficiency to continue to meet our customers’ demands and service the rapidly growing global marketplace. This new, larger facility will help us strengthen our position as a leading supplier of automated solutions for the tire and distribution industries.”

Construction will begin during summer 2018, with plans for the facilities to be ready in summer 2019.

The Processing Centre, part of the Citipost Group of Companies has announced exciting plans to launch a dedicated division within the business – providing an unrivalled one-stop shop for its logistics and fulfilment operations.

The decision follows the continuing exponential growth in the online marketplace with more and more organisations entering the e-commerce arena. The Processing Centre already handles freight daily for many household names and is completely focused on the future growth plan.

From its 67,000 sq ft warehouse and processing centre at South Normanton's Berristow Lane, the TPC arm of the business will build on the company's already impressive reputation as a leader in global services.

The Processing Centre will enable the business to increase its offering with flexible fulfilment and distribution solutions for international and domestic clients.

Customers will benefit from a tailored process to meet their individual requirements as well as full end-to-end support - including data analysis, account management and an internal customer services function. TPC believes that the team members behind the operation should have a great knowledge of the pipeline which enables them to support the customers with genuine empathy.

Citipost, which has extensive experience in catalogue processing and fulfilment, has also invested heavily in new state-of-the-art technology to further streamline the process and drive efficiencies.

And the business has increased its operational team, with more jobs set to be created, to ensure they can keep up with demand.

The man at the helm is transport and logistics expert Bob Powner, who brings more than 25 years' experience to the post.

Formerly Processing and Linehaul Director at City Link, Bob has brought a new focus to the business - drawing on the principles of the parcels industry.

He believes the new division will bring huge benefits to the business and its customers - ensuring the highest level of service.

"We are delighted to have launched a dedicated arm of TPC, which handles the sortation, routing and crucially distribution to final mile delivery providers to meet a customer’s individual requirements,” added TPC’s Managing Director.

“Citipost already has a strong track record in fulfilment and final mile delivery of a range of items including catalogues and printed material and we are building on this market-leading position after identifying a growth opportunity in warehousing, fulfilment and despatch within other sectors.

“We are confident that TPC will provide an unbeatable service to our clients both here at home and overseas. The company has invested heavily in TPC to ensure that we are front of mind for customers looking for first-class service at a competitive price.”

Bob’s team are made up of “home grown” talent and members that have gained experience in Royal Mail. Sainsburys and Rentokil. “We have a great mix and the right balance amongst the team that have a focus on delivering a service that achieves the KPI’s across a balanced scorecard.”

With the ability to deliver 24/7, 365 days of the year, customers can also benefit from TPC’s flexibility and its ability to provide a comprehensive range of warehousing, fulfilment and delivery services.

And in addition to their own in-house team of developers, TPC is able to source their own consumables such as packaging and labelling – adding an additional offering to its customer-base.

“simplifying the pipeline through a one-stop shop”

The Processing Centre, part of the Citipost Group of Companies has announced exciting plans to launch a dedicated division within the business – providing an unrivalled one-stop shop for its logistics and fulfilment operations.

The decision follows the continuing exponential growth in the online marketplace with more and more organisations entering the e-commerce arena. The Processing Centre already handles freight daily for many household names and is completely focused on the future growth plan.

From its 67,000 sq ft warehouse and processing centre at South Normanton's Berristow Lane, the TPC arm of the business will build on the company's already impressive reputation as a leader in global services.

The Processing Centre will enable the business to increase its offering with flexible fulfilment and distribution solutions for international and domestic clients.

Customers will benefit from a tailored process to meet their individual requirements as well as full end-to-end support - including data analysis, account management and an internal customer services function. TPC believes that the team members behind the operation should have a great knowledge of the pipeline which enables them to support the customers with genuine empathy.

Citipost, which has extensive experience in catalogue processing and fulfilment, has also invested heavily in new state-of-the-art technology to further streamline the process and drive efficiencies.

And the business has increased its operational team, with more jobs set to be created, to ensure they can keep up with demand.

The man at the helm is transport and logistics expert Bob Powner, who brings more than 25 years' experience to the post.

Formerly Processing and Linehaul Director at City Link, Bob has brought a new focus to the business - drawing on the principles of the parcels industry.

He believes the new division will bring huge benefits to the business and its customers - ensuring the highest level of service.

"We are delighted to have launched a dedicated arm of TPC, which handles the sortation, routing and crucially distribution to final mile delivery providers to meet a customer’s individual requirements,” added TPC’s Managing Director.

“Citipost already has a strong track record in fulfilment and final mile delivery of a range of items including catalogues and printed material and we are building on this market-leading position after identifying a growth opportunity in warehousing, fulfilment and despatch within other sectors.

“We are confident that TPC will provide an unbeatable service to our clients both here at home and overseas. The company has invested heavily in TPC to ensure that we are front of mind for customers looking for first-class service at a competitive price.”

Bob’s team are made up of “home grown” talent and members that have gained experience in Royal Mail. Sainsburys and Rentokil. “We have a great mix and the right balance amongst the team that have a focus on delivering a service that achieves the KPI’s across a balanced scorecard.”

With the ability to deliver 24/7, 365 days of the year, customers can also benefit from TPC’s flexibility and its ability to provide a comprehensive range of warehousing, fulfilment and delivery services.

And in addition to their own in-house team of developers, TPC is able to source their own consumables such as packaging and labelling – adding an additional offering to its customer-base.

De Cromvoirtse, a Netherlands-based steel stockholder and contract manufacturer of small batches of semi-finished sheet metal components, has invested in two interlinked, automated storage systems from Kasto and connected them to three sheet metal laser cutting machines to help speed deliveries. The Uniline store and Unitower B ensure fast, accurate, damage-free material handling, while the supplier's warehouse management system keeps track of stock and ensures smooth order processing.

Internet shopping is on the rise, not only for consumer purchases but also in industry. Manufacturers are increasingly ordering materials online, as it saves time and cuts costs by allowing different offers to be compared easily. The increased competition means that a vendor, to be successful, must not only have a broad range of products at attractive prices, but also be able to make fast deliveries and provide a comprehensive array of services.

Founded in 1982 and with headquarters in the town of Oisterwijk, near Tilburg, De Cromvoirtse spotted this trend early. The company has operated an online portal since 2008, which today accounts for about 70 percent of orders. Customers can use the website to upload drawings and specifications and within two minutes they receive an automatically calculated quotation for production of the component.

Manufacturing capacity includes press brakes in addition to the laser cutting machines. About 90 percent of products are made from steel, stainless steel or aluminium sheet, the remainder being pipes and sections.

Janwillem Verschuuren, one of the company's two managing directors commented, “Most of our 1,200 customers are small and medium-sized companies, like agricultural machine manufacturers, car body makers and machine builders.

“For them, it often doesn’t pay to buy machines of their own and hire expert personnel to make parts, because they only need limited quantities.

“As a rule, we deliver laser-cut components in 24 to 48 hours, while folded sheet metal parts can be supplied within a week.”

To serve the needs of its growing customer base reliably and quickly, De Cromvoirtse has not only automated its ordering process but also most of its production. Its metalworking machines operate around the clock, seven days a week including for long periods unattended. On average, 400 to 500 tonnes of material are held in stock.

The double-sided Uniline store from Kasto has nearly 1,000 storage locations, with special pallets for different materials and sizes as well as for remnants. A stacker crane travels between the two rows of the facility, storing and retrieving material automatically as needed.

Mr Verschuuren recalled, "When we invested in our new warehouse, we investigated various storage options but Kasto quickly emerged as the front-runner.

“Other manufacturers offered us standard solutions that were unsatisfactory, whereas Kasto worked with us right from the planning phase to develop new ideas for the design. They told us clearly what wouldn’t work and what would.”

For example, it proved possible to connect two flat-bed laser cutting machines seamlessly to achieve continuous material flow. To facilitate this, Kasto installed two manipulators at the Uniline's output station. With vacuum suction units, the manipulators lift sheets from storage, place them on the shuttle tables and then remove the finished parts and remnants. In this way, De Cromvoirtse has substantially increased the production capacity of its machines and shortened throughput times.

Ronnie van den Hurk, the other managing director at De Cromvoirtse said, “The KASTO solution allows fast, efficient and safe handling of our materials.

"The stacker crane is equipped with two pallet stations to shorten cycle times and avoid empty runs. For each storage operation there is always a retrieval operation happening at the same time.”

Owing to the company’s booming online business and growing number of orders, even this system eventually reached its limits. In 2016, the company asked Kasto how to increase the store's performance.

The supplier's first thought was to add a second stacker crane to the existing Uniline system, but this reconfiguration would have interfered with the store's operations. So Kasto devised an alternative solution involving the installation of a separate Unitower B store next to the existing in-line system to provide additional capacity.

The latest storage system, which was installed in a few weeks without interrupting the stockholder's operations, consists of a double tower and stacker crane. Rising to a height of 8.5 metres and with a compact footprint, it has space for almost 80 pallets, each of which can hold sheets measuring up to 3,000 x 1,500 mm. Only the pallet that has been called up needs to be moved, ensuring fast access times, while the efficient lifting gear offers significant energy savings.

For maximum flexibility, the Unitower is connected to the Uniline store at the top by a bridge with a longitudinal, rail-mounted carriage. In this way, pallets move automatically from one area of the storage facility to another without losing valuable space below.

An additional laser cutting machine is connected to the Unitower, loading and unloading being performed automatically. Using various grippers, it is possible to handle whole sheets as well as cut parts and remnants, increasing productivity and flexibility. An advantage of the Kasto solution, according to Mr Verschuuren, is that unlike many other storage systems, it allows metalworking machinery of any make to be integrated easily. De Cromvoirtse is therefore able to source production equipment from more than one supplier so can use machines that are most suitable for the given requirements.

Both the new and existing stores are controlled by Kasto’s warehouse management software, KASTOlogic, which has been programmed to treat the two areas as a single, connected system to facilitate operation and increase stock transparency. It is connected with the stockholder's ERP system, ensuring consistent data flow and smooth order processing.

As with the machine tools on-site, both the Uniline and the Unitower can be monitored remotely. If necessary, Kasto engineers can access the facility online from Germany and rectify any problems, although Mr van den Hurk advised that this has rarely been needed.

He concluded, "KASTO gave us optimum support during our latest project, as it has done since the outset.

"We have achieved another big increase in productivity, while also making work easier for our employees, and our customers continue to benefit from short delivery times."

Better traffic safety and enhanced working environment for drivers. These are the goals as Volvo Trucks introduces its new driver support systems based on Volvo Dynamic Steering – an award-winning innovation that assists steering of heavy trucks in a ground-breaking way.

“Volvo Dynamic Steering has truly revolutionised the driver’s job behind the wheel. Better directional stability, easier manoeuvring and higher comfort have reduced the risk of road accidents and strain-related injuries. Now we are building further on our success with new functions that help make the traffic environment even safer. This is all in accordance with our vision that no accidents involving Volvo trucks should ever occur. These functions were developed to help drivers avoid some of the most common accident scenarios identified via our accident research programme,” says Carl Johan Almqvist, Traffic and Product Safety Director at Volvo Trucks.

By integrating Volvo Dynamic Steering with other comfort- and safety-enhancing systems, Volvo Trucks has developed two accident prevention driver support systems: Volvo Dynamic Steering with Stability Assist and Volvo Dynamic Steering with Lane Keeping Assist.

Counters skidding before it occurs

“Imagine you’re driving on a wet, slippery road and you suddenly notice that the rear of the truck is starting to lose its grip on the road. Before this develops into a skid, you steer gently in the opposite direction until the danger is over. That’s exactly the way Volvo Dynamic Steering with Stability Assist works. The big difference is that the system can discover the risk and help stabilise the vehicle before you’ve even noticed that something is about to happen,” explains Carl Johan Almqvist.

Reduces the risk of driving off the road and of unintentional lane departure

The next safety innovation, Volvo Dynamic Steering with Lane Keeping Assist, gives the driver a helping hand when the system detects that the truck is showing signs of edging towards the lane marking. With a slight turn of the steering wheel in the appropriate direction and gentle vibration in the steering wheel, the driver is notified and is helped to steer the vehicle back into the lane.

Adjusts steering wheel resistance to individual needs

In addition to the two new driver support systems, Volvo Trucks is introducing a longed-for function that makes it possible to adjust steering wheel resistance individually in trucks equipped with Volvo Dynamic Steering.

“Each driver has a different perception of how light or heavy the steering system should be. Now every driver can adjust the steering wheel resistance exactly as he or she wants for comfortable, relaxed and safe driving. This is a very practical feature, not least for trucks that often have different drivers,” says Carl Johan Almqvist.

‘Carnage’, one of the latest shows from Sky, sees contestants battling customized vehicles against each other in a series of challenging arenas. But they aren’t just competing with each other, they also have to escape ‘The Pusher’, a heavily modified Terex Trucks 2766C articulated hauler from the late 1990s.

Filmed in Tankwa Karoo National Park, South Africa, Sky One’s new show, ‘Carnage’, has been described as a cross between Robot Wars and Mad Max, with a hint of Wacky Races thrown in for good measure. In each episode – the first of which aired on May 6th – teams of engineers, mechanics and drivers have to battle it out against one another’s souped-up vehicles in three challenging arenas.

The Pusher

The aim of the game is to damage the other opponents' vehicles to the point where they are rendered immobile. But they’re not just competing with each other – they’re also up against the show’s ‘mutant monster trucks’. Dwarfing everything in its path, the biggest of the three is a modified Terex Trucks 2766C articulated hauler, which was manufactured in Motherwell, Scotland, and dates back to 1997.

Weighing in at 22 tonnes, the 2766C – or ‘The Pusher’, as it’s known on the show – is as big as it is powerful. In fact, the team over at Sky One had to apply for a special road permit in order to get the truck on site. Contestants face the truck in ‘The Grid’ – an urban-style obstacle course, surrounded by walls of fire and a three metre trench. The Grid is the only one of the three arenas that’s big enough to accommodate the size, turning circle and weight of The Pusher.

Modified machinery

The 2766C dump truck has gone through a series of modifications in order to become The Pusher. “The idea was to design a vehicle that no contestant would want to meet face-to-face, and that was so big and powerful that you could outrun it but not outmuscle it,” says Francois Grobbelaar, Carnage’s stunt coordinator. “That’s why I chose Terex Trucks’ 2766C. It was the ideal vehicle to use for our build.”

To help transform the 2766C and get it into character, the truck has been spray-painted black, given tinted windows and had white smoke added to the smoke stacks. Being so big and heavy, there was a risk that the 2766C would damage the arena – so, the original loading section was replaced with a lightweight tank.

To ensure that it was protected from any damage caused by the contestants’ vehicles, metal window screens were installed as well as wheel guards. “Some contestants use spikes to damage other vehicles,” explains Francois. “So, we fitted angled conveyor belts under the front of the truck to deflect spikes away from the wheels, reducing the risk of a flat tyre.”

Other add-ons include three CCTV cameras for 360-degree visibility, an access door at the back and a platform with a hatch, making it possible to film driving shots with the presenters. Another noticeable modification is the enormous snow plough that has been retrofitted onto the front of the machine.

With this level of customization, it’s no wonder that The Pusher is virtually unrecognizable as a Terex Trucks 2766C hauler. Originally designed for performing in quarries, mines and commercial construction projects, Carnage shows the 2766C truck in a completely new light. However, very much on-brand, the 21-year-old truck has managed to outmuscle every contestant so far. “This truck is still going strong – albeit in a very different application – which demonstrates just how robust Terex Trucks machines are,” says Paul Douglas, Managing Director of Terex Trucks. “Terex Trucks haulers are durable, reliable machines that are truly built to last.”

“We always planned for The Pusher to be the star of the show, and that’s indeed what it is,” concludes Francois. “It was a great vehicle to work on and I am very happy with how she turned out. We hope to use her in more seasons.”

To celebrate the introduction of the Volvo FH in 1993 - a quarter of a century ago - Volvo Trucks is releasing The Volvo FH 25 Year Special Edition. Available as both Volvo FH and Volvo FH 16, it is characterised by its distinctive exterior and interior design, superb driver comfort and state-of-the-art additional features.

The Volvo FH is one of the industry's most successful models ever with nearly 1 million trucks sold since launch, creating a way of life for millions of drivers all over the world. The Volvo FH 25 Year Special Edition is therefore not only a celebration of the truck itself, but also a tribute to all the customers and drivers who have been driving this icon for the past 25 years.

"The Volvo FH is the perfect representation of a customer focused mind-set and a model that has been pushing the boundaries for a quarter of a century. This magnificent edition truck is therefore both a tribute to the first 25 years and a starting point for our continued successful journey with customers and drivers", says Claes Nilsson, President Volvo Trucks.

"The first-generation Volvo FH meant so much for Volvo Trucks and the whole industry. It was a milestone; in fact, it was a game-changer that totally transformed the perception of a modern truck. Working on the design of the edition truck has been a real honour," says Nigel Atterbury, Senior Graphic Designer at Volvo Trucks.

The exterior of this special edition is best described as contemporary with a retro twist. The silver/grey and orange décor highlights the truck's origin and the striping forms the number 25 to signal the anniversary. The striping combines 3D effects and shadows to echo the design trend of the early 1990s and gives the truck a distinct retro look. There are two launch colours, one darker, cool grey tone (Mammoth Tree Metallic) and a shiny red (Crimson Pearl), the latter a modern tribute to the original red cab colour of 1993.

When opening the door, a premium and luxurious interior awaits the driver. Safety has always been key to the Volvo FH and this passion is manifested by orange details in everything from seat belt stitches to curtains, carpets and reflective safety door decals. Using subtle, yet distinct accents, the design team has created a continuation of the safety and driver focus that has always been essential in the Volvo FH. And to enhance a great driving experience, the seats combine quilt and leather to offer exceptional comfort and design.

The limited edition truck also embodies how the Volvo FH has been, and remains, an innovation leader. It includes some of the truck's latest breakthroughs and it can be specified with the brand-new extensions to Volvo Dynamic Steering:

‱ Volvo Dynamic Steering with Stability Assist. Designed to prevent skidding accidents.

‱ Volvo Dynamic Steering with Lane Keeping Assist. Engineered to help the driver stay in lane, preventing collisions and roll-over accidents.

‱ Volvo Dynamic Steering with Personal Settings. Allows individual adjustment of steering wheel resistance for convenient and comfortable driving.

"This truck really shows how Volvo Trucks is driving progress and continues to set new standards in trucking, just like the Volvo FH has done since 1993," explains Tomas Thuresson, Global Long Haul Segment Manager at Volvo Trucks.

Tomas concludes: "It is a fantastic edition that pays tribute to a quite outstanding truck and the millions of people; customers, drivers and fans that have been engaged in the Volvo FH for 25 years."

Hyundai Forklifts -  Global Shipping Services is a privately-owned Stevedoring company based on the Humber Estuary, which was established in 1989, following the reform of the UK docks industry. The company was part of a PLC up until 1997 when two directors of the company completed a management buyout. On 1st September this year former Global Shipping operations director, Peter Waud and Darran Richardson finalized another management buyout and now jointly own the company.

Ten new Hyundai Forklifts in the Global Shipping Services Fleet

Global Shipping have recently expanded their fleet and have taken out a contract hire for ten new Hyundai forklifts, through Yorkshire based Hyundai distributor Hessle Fork Trucks. The order comprised four diesel 50D-9 five tonne machines, which were the very first machines of this model type to be delivered into the UK, two five tonne 50DA-9 machines and four 3.5 tonne diesel 35D-9 trucks, in a deal approaching ÂŁ650,000 in value. The larger forklifts are working at Immingham Docks and one 5 tonne and the four smaller 3.5 tonne machines are operating at Goole Docks in East Yorkshire.

All ten machines are currently handling timber at Immingham and Goole - discharging ships and loading road vehicles. The machines operate on average eight hours per day and although the machines are new to the company the initial feedback has been very good. “The machines are very substantial and are well-made and look to be a solid piece of kit” reported Global Shipping managing director, Peter Waud. “The operators like working with the machines – they say they are driver friendly and very responsive. The visibility from the cab is also excellent which is an important safety aspect.” Added Waud.

No hassle with Hessle Hyundai Forklifts

Waud said, “We first met with Hessle about a year and half ago although I have known Gary Hawkhead from the company for many years. We ran predominantly Toyota machines, prior to Hyundai, but the Toyota dealer we worked with stopped dealing in the brand. Therefore, we dealt directly with the manufacturer – however we found that this did not work for us – so we began to look at alternative suppliers and machines. Hessle came up with a proposal that was right for both companies.”

“We did not know the Hyundai product very well, although we had some experience with a couple of machines.” Added Waud. “We also spoke with Hyundai’s head office in Belgium and the European sales manager, Gino Van der Auwera, came over from Belgium and spoke with us about the product and provided lots of valuable information. Signing the deal with Hessle for the Hyundai machines seemed the right thing to do. In doing so we managed to agree a deal from a price, commitment and service level point of view that would work for both Global Shipping and Hessle. Hyundai have a good reputation in all aspects – including vehicles and construction machinery – so I feel we made the right decision.”

Gary Hawkhead, director of the Hessle Industrial Division commented, “Having personally worked with Peter, the Global Shipping team and other port operators for over 15-years we (Hessle) have a full understanding of how to deliver a first-class solution. This is built on providing the highest quality materials handling equipment and an excellent and dedicated service support package. This coupled with our strong financial backing enables us to offer the flexibility to accommodate the client’s business requirements now and in the future, which offers Global Shipping piece of mind in an advancing shipping industry.”

Future purchases of Hyundai Forklifts

Waud concluded, “What will drive future purchases and commitment to Hyundai will be the reliability of the machines over the coming years and the back-up service that Hessle provide – but early indications from using the Hyundai’s and our dealings with Hessle are very positive.”

Global Shipping Services – the company

In its current form, Global Shipping Services, operate as terminal operators, stevedores and warehouse keepers. The company handle in the region of 1.5 million units of break-bulk cargo per annum and is now one of the major operators in break-bulk cargo in the Humber Ports of Immingham, Hull and Goole. Global Shipping Services handles general cargo such as forest products, steel, casework, heavy-Lift, project cargo, bags, and pure bulk.

It is Global Shipping Services responsibility to change the mode of transport – for example - for imports the cargo will come in on a sea vessel the company will then discharge the vessel, store the cargo and later dispatch the cargo via road or rail. The company also work this process in reverse for exports. Global Shipping customers include shipping lines, importers, exporters, freight forwarders and manufacturers.

Following the previous announcement that Jim Umpleby will become Caterpillar Chief Executive Officer on January 1, 2017, Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE: CAT) announced today additional changes in its executive ranks. The company's Board of Directors has appointed current Construction Industries Group President Tom Pellette, 53, group president of Energy & Transportation, the position previously held by Umpleby.

Replacing Pellette, the Board has appointed Bob De Lange, 47, group president of Construction Industries. De Lange is currently vice president of the Excavation Division. Additionally, the Board has appointed Billy Ainsworth, 60, senior vice president and strategic advisor to the Caterpillar Executive Office. In addition to his new responsibilities, Ainsworth will continue to have responsibility for Caterpillar's Rail Division. The above changes are effective January 1, 2017.

"To this role, Tom brings broad and global experience serving customers in the oil and gas and power generation markets," Umpleby said. "Since joining Caterpillar's Executive Office leading Construction Industries in 2015, Tom has delivered strong results while operating in a very challenging economic climate. Tom's proven track record of effective leadership, combined with his extensive global experience serving customers, gives me great confidence as he takes on this new role," Umpleby said.

Bob De Lange appointed Group President of Construction Industries

"During Bob's 23-year career at Caterpillar, he has consistently demonstrated strong leadership and results across a range of marketing, product management and manufacturing positions. Bob also brings a diverse perspective to our Executive Office, having started his career with Caterpillar in his native Belgium before serving in multiple marketing and product manager roles across Europe and in the United States as he progressed to positions with increasing levels of responsibility," Umpleby said. "Most recently, as the vice president of our Excavation Division based in Singapore, Bob has improved Caterpillar's global market position in the excavator industry, including strong unit volume gains in China, the largest excavator market in the world."

Billy Ainsworth appointed Senior Vice President and Strategic Advisor to the Caterpillar Executive Office

"Billy joined Caterpillar 10 years ago when we acquired Progress Rail Services, the company he founded in 1983 and built from the ground up. He brings proven entrepreneurial skills and an unyielding focus on serving customers to his new role. Billy will act as an advisor to Caterpillar's Executive Office as we evaluate strategic growth opportunities," Umpleby said. "In addition to these new responsibilities, Billy will continue to have responsibility for our Rail Division, which will continue to be part of Energy & Transportation."

Stuttgart-based logistics company Agility has replaced its fleet of electric trucks with new Hyster Âź H1.8FT LPG forklifts, enabling the company to increase handling capacity and extend service intervals in the growing automotive logistics area of the business.

Agility organises the collection of auto parts from suppliers across Europe before consolidating deliveries at its modern logistics facility in Stuttgart. From here, goods are shipped overseas on-demand, including delivery by air freight or on-board courier depending on the level of urgency.

Every square metre counts

Despite the volatility of the market, Agility has successfully grown in the past year, expanding its capacities at the Stuttgart facility. As a result, the existing fleet of electric forklifts on-site were suddenly required to work more hours than previously.

Agility is based in the area of Korntal - MĂŒnchingen near Stuttgart, where car makers Mercedes Benz and Porsche have their headquarters. Suppliers Bosch and WĂŒrth can also be found nearby. Although space is at a premium in this busy, commercial area, a solution which enabled a reliable and uninterrupted operation was still needed.

“We are grateful for every centimetre of space we have available," says JĂŒrgen Götz, Technical Manager at Agility.

100% reliability required

At first, Agility considered tackling its challenges either by equipping its existing fleet of electric trucks with extra batteries or by holding more trucks in reserve. However, even possible solutions such as an intermediate store were ruled out due to time constraints.

“Even using and recharging lithium-ion batteries, for example at lunchtime, would not have been enough to help us," says Götz. "Friday’s are especially busy and we have no free time at all - the trucks must run. We rely on them 100 per cent in order to ensure the car parts are ready to be shipped from Stuttgart to Brazil, Mexico, the United States and

China. The ships can’t wait for us.”

Hyster LPG Forklifts - the first choice

“Agility’s challenge is quite rare, so we worked together to considered a variety of possible solutions," says Ralf Glawa, Account Manager at Hyster dealer Hald & Grunewald in Herrenberg near Stuttgart.

“However, despite the increase in performance of batteries in recent years, there was simply not enough power to provide around two additional operating hours per day - even the electrolyte circulation process could not provide the required performance. Therefore, the most sensible solution was to change the fleet of electric forklift trucks to natural gas vehicles,” Glawa continues.

Since the introduction of the new trucks, the reliability of the Hyster Âź H1.8FT Fortens forklifts has assisted smooth operations at Agility. Except for changing the gas bottle and conducting scheduled maintenance, trucks can run without interruption. No additional reserve trucks had to be purchased, so today 8 robust Hyster LPG trucks have almost completely replaced the previous electric forklift fleet.

Glawa explains “The total operating costs have been significantly reduced through the use of LPG forklifts. At first look, electric forklifts appeared to be cheaper, as LPG trucks come with higher maintenance costs and a 15 to 20 percent higher initial cost.”

“However, as Agility would have needed extra batteries or additional electric trucks, when considering the cost against the required operating time and distance travelled, the LPG option actually provides a lower total cost of ownership."

Reassured by design and quality

“We are more than satisfied with this solution,” says Götz. “Both the design and the comfort of the truck have also convinced the drivers.”

One of the key deciding factors for Agility in choosing to exclusively use Hyster LPG forklifts is also the fast and reliable service.

“The solution has paid off quickly because our customers need reliable partners that help them to avoid production downtime," explains Götz. “Agility can respond immediately when an incorrect item or an insufficient quantity has been delivered, and the customer can request information directly from the warehouse management system at any time.”

Manage processes transparently and reduce transport costs

In Agility’s Automotive Control Tower, employees control and monitor all processes along the supply chain, from inbound to outbound. Ordinarily it takes three days between the receipt of goods and transporting them overseas.

"We use this time to package the products properly,” explains the plant manager. “We overbuild bulky packages in the container, with wood for example, so that containers can be optimally loaded with a two or even three ply system, which greatly reduces transportation costs for our customers.”

Giti Tire will use CV Show 2017 to unveil the first phase of its Giti branded truck and bus portfolio, with no less than 20 patterns making their European debut.

The display will feature new product lines, conversions of existing patterns from GT Radial, many of which have been improved through increased load index label results or 3PMSF winter accreditation, and other tyres from around the world which have been recognised as strategically important and certified for use in the EU.

As before the Giti-branded stand, which can be found at 4G20, will be split into six core areas, namely combi-road, long haul, regional, mixed service, urban and winter. Further specific product details will be released up-to and during the show itself.

Last year it was announced that the Giti name will replace GT Radial in the truck and bus segment to create a singular global platform and streamline product development. The tyres will continue to sit at the top of the mid-tier segment with extensive value-added service support.

Tony McHugh, TBR Sales and Marketing Director UK at Giti Tire, said: “Out of the 20 patterns on display, six are new to the European market, 12 have been rebranded from existing GT Radial products, with many of these featuring improved load index, label results or winter accreditation, and we will continue to promote our retread programme.

“To actually bring the strategic rebrand idea from concept through to fruition and unveil such an extensive portfolio of Giti products is a great step forwards, and visitors to the stand can expect to see a new and exciting product range backed up by our existing exceptional customer support and value-added services.

“We are aware that this is only the first step in several major launches throughout 2017, but as of now the process has started for Giti to position itself as the tyre of choice for all fleet operators in the truck and bus markets.”

ZEABORN Group, established in 2013, sets a further milestone in the company's development with the takeover of the business operations and the international organization of Rickmers-Linie, including NPC Projects. In addition to the business of Rickmers-Linie, ZEABORN also takes over the business operations of MCC Marine Consulting & Contracting, which is active as bunker and chartering broker. The corresponding contracts between the Rickmers Group and Zeaborn were signed on 7 February 2017. The execution of the transaction is subject to antitrust clearance.

Rickmers-Linie is one of the world's most renowned companies in the field of ocean transportation of project cargo. In addition to the global liner services of Rickmers-Linie, NPC Projects is a perfect extension to the existing ZEABORN tramp business.

"With the growth of our fleet, we were faced with the challenge of building a global organization. Everyone who knows the shipping industry knows that this is a very challenging task in our time. In this respect, it’s a fortune for our development that Rickmers-Linie was available at the right time, "explains Jan Hendrik Többe, Managing Partner of ZEABORN.

Together, Zeaborn and Rickmers-Linie (with NPC and MCC) have a team of close to 200 employees and a combined fleet of about 50 multi-purpose vessels, with deadweight capacities (dwat) between 7,500 and 30,000 tonnes, and a combined lifting capacity of up to 700 tonnes.

"Just like us, Rickmers-Linie and NPC Projects are concentrating on the transport of break bulk, heavy lifts and project cargoes. They have an excellent reputation, have close, long-term customer relationships and stand for reliability, quality, innovation and technical competence. With its line-up services and the tramp business of NPC, Rickmers-Linie connects the most important business centers in the world. In this unique combination, we are now able to offer our customers even more tailor-made transport solutions, "adds Ove Meyer, who is also Managing Partner of ZEABORN.

"Rickmers-Linie gets new powerful shareholders who want to expand their activities in the MPP segment. With ZEABORN, we have the right partners to play an active part in the consolidation of the heavy and MPP sector in a currently difficult market situation, and to offer our customers excellent service, safety and reliability on an economically stable basis, "Ulrich Ulrichs, CEO of Rickmers-Linie, added.

With the takeover of the Rickmers-Linie offices in Belgium, China, Denmark, Germany, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand and the USA, as well as the extensive agency network, the ZEABORN companies now have a global setup with a strong regional presence and local customer service. Mr Bertram R.C. Rickmers will be privately involved as a minority shareholder in the new owner company of the sold business activities.

The UK has always been a place of innovation and economic industry and this tradition caries to this day. But what about being a front runner for industry towards the future? With the decline of manufacturing in the UK with it's main economy moving towards service industries will it ever be able to create a new industrial revolution for the 21st century? One start-up in the UK aims to take industry to whole new heights by acquiring resources and manufacturing off this planet called the The Asteroid Mining Corporation.

Who are The Asteroid Mining Corporation?

The Asteroid Mining Corporation (AMC) is a company founded by Mitch Hunter-Scullion when he was just 20 with the goal to mine the Asteroids for precious metals and other resources. The company consists of a small group of Millennials who all have an interest in the potential of the solar systems resources to be made available to an on, then later off Earth based economy commercially.

For their first mission The AMC won't actually be mining asteroids but will be starting with an activity undertook by terrestrial mining companies and that is surveying and prospecting. In order to make a decision on what asteroid are worth the effort and investment to mine, the composition and other characteristics such as size, orbit and rate of spin needs to be determined and so the asteroids need to be surveyed.

So to get this data the The AMC will build a cube-sat satellite, the Asteroid Prospecting Satellite-1 (APS-1), that will have a spectrometer sensitive in the near-infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum. Through the process of Reflectance Spectroscopy where the sensor analyses the light being reflected from the target asteroid, the chemical make-up can be determined. The AMC will then take this data and incorporate it into information products to be available commercially to private companies, academic and also governmental institutions.

Why mine asteroids in the first place you might ask?

It is proposed that a metallic M-type asteroid measuring just 100 meters in diameter would have Billions worth of Platinum alone and if including all the other rare metals and the massive amounts of Iron and Nickel also present then the value of asteroids speak for themselves! The idea of the AMC is to mine suitable asteroids and bring rare and valuable metals to Earth and keep all the other resources for use in space. These other resources including water can be used to manufacture habitats, power stations or just about anything we could imagine in the zero-gravity conditions of space. Maturing technology such as 3d printing would be used to facilitate this manufacturing and would open up new and bolster existing design, engineering and manufacturing companies.

Who else is doing it?

The AMC isn't alone in it's wishes to mine asteroids with a number of other companies also in the race. The US based Planetary Resources founded in 2012 by Peter Diamandis and Eric Andersen intends to eventually mine valuable metals commercially from near earth asteroids. This company with financial backing from Googles Larry Page and Eric Schmidt together with James Cameron and Richard Brandson is not short of investment. Also another US company, Deep Space Industries, founded by Rick Tumlinson and David Gump with many others are also drawing up plans for asteroid mining. Deep Space Industries, announced in 2013 plans for mining water for fuel and the construction of space power plants and even orbital human colonies on their minds.

Have you an interest in space and the idea of humanity expanding into the cosmos and wondered how you could do your bit to help? - Well now you can!

The AMC is currently holding a round of crowd funding where you yourself can contribute towards this companies efforts to bring the resources of the solar system into the hands of humanity. With your investment you will be helping to enable the creation of an integrated on and off-world economy that will generate jobs and innovation for many generations to come and achieve a return on investment with our success.

If you want to learn more about The Asteroid Mining Corporation then visit their website at

If you would like to know more about the investment crowdfunding campaign then visit the CrowdCube page here!


  • Two new interactive features for CV Show
  • Innovation Hubs presented by Motor Transport magazine
  • Topics to include fuels, autonomous vehicles and logistics
  • Live ‘Twitter Lounges’ to allow visitors and exhibitors tweet to everyone at the show
  • UK’s biggest Commercial Vehicle event takes place April 25-27

Two new live features are set to fuel discussion when the CV Show opens its doors later this month at the NEC, Birmingham.

The new initiatives, which will debut at the show between 25-27 April, are the Innovation Hub presented by respected industry title Motor Transport, and interactive Twitter Lounges, on which visitors and exhibitors can tweet their experiences and news live from the show.

The focus of the Innovation Hub is on exploring the latest developments in fuels, autonomous vehicles and logistics planning.

The 45 minute sessions will include expert speakers from Iveco, TRL and Transport Systems Catapult leading the discussion on innovation, followed by facilitated debate with speakers and attendees to explore the future developments and generate feedback from the audience.

The Innovation Hub will be housed in Hall 3 and will be free to attend – there’s no need to pre-register, just turn up and take a seat.

The panel of expert speakers, which will be announced ahead of the show, will lead discussions on the following topics:

Fuels - the future thinking in diesel, electric, gas and hydrogen power sources. Is diesel really yesterday's fuel?

Autonomy - the big industry issue of the future. What benefits will the connected truck bring to the industry?

Logistics - reviewing the freight models of the future. What are the opportunities for data management and collaboration?

The Innovation Hub is organised by Motor Transport in conjunction with the CV Show and sponsored by Smart Witness, Guests, TRL and Transport Systems Catapult.

Meanwhile, Twitter walls will broadcast visitors’ and exhibitors’ tweets live, if the handles @theCVShow and #CVShow are used. It’s a great way for exhibitors to get their messages across, following three exciting years of growth in the show’s social media presence.

CV Show Director, Rob Skelton, said, “One of the things we’ve tried to do in recent years is develop the way in which show visitors and exhibitors can communicate with each other, both with their news, and with pressing issues where the industry can benefit from a shared voice and a balance of opinions.

“The new Innovation Hub will be the perfect platform to bring together key figures in the road transport and logistics industries to discuss current issues in an open forum environment, while our Twitter walls are a great way for exhibitors and visitors to share their experiences in an immediate and visible manner and increase their social media presence.”

To register to attend the CV Show for free and find out more about the Show’s many features, including some new live elements - details of which are to follow - and a full exhibitor list and floorplan, go to

Cumbria based construction equipment dealer, Taylor & Braithwaite is celebrating 50-years of trading this year! The company was originally started by Harold Taylor in October 1967 – he was soon joined by Trevor Braithwaite - it was then that Taylor & Braithwaite was born! Both Mr Taylor and Mr Braithwaite had previously worked for Johnson’s in Kirkby Stephen where they were repairing Agricultural Machinery. Harold Taylor is still a director of Taylor & Braithwaite today.

The company’s roots were firmly in the agricultural market

Back in the day the company (T&B) was focused solely on agricultural machinery and Mr Taylor remembers the first ever machine sold, which was a Massey Ferguson 135 tractor which was sold to Beckwith’s at New Hall in 1968, for the sum of £805.00! Farming company, W G L Soulsby & Sons, also based in Cumbria, was T&B’s first big customer who started with the purchase of one machine and went on to buy all their fleet of machines and equipment from the company.

Business expansion for Taylor and Braithwaite

In 1971 Taylor & Braithwaite decided it was time to expand and so Harold Taylor purchased a farm at Flitholme Cumbria for ÂŁ5,100 which included 25 acres. A workshop was created and the company began carrying out repairs to 2nd hand agricultural machines.

In the early days, Mr Taylor and Mr Braithwaite were looking after both sales and service – but this had to be reviewed when they both sold the same machine to different customers on the same day – and they only had one machine to sell! So, to avoid any further sales calamities, in 1984 Mr Taylor took over the running of the office and stores and Mr Braithwaite looked after the sales side of the business.

New brands and the arrival of John Deere

Early brands included agricultural machinery manufacturer Kuhn and Universal Tractors, who were manufacturers of 4-wheel drive tractors. In the 1980’s T&B took on JF Forage Harvesters, Malgar - who manufacture slurry tankers and handling equipment - and PZ manufacturers of hay and silage machines. In 1992 talks began with agricultural machinery giant John Deere and in 1993 Taylor & Braithwaite signed the John Deere franchise deal.

It was also in 1992 T&B expanded further and the company invested in new premises at Sandford to enable the business to work more efficiently in line with undertaking the new John Deere franchise. The land on this new site also enabled customers to demo new machinery before they committed to buy!

When Britain declared itself free of foot-and-mouth in 2002 T&B began selling both new and used plant as more contractors began operating and the demand for machinery was high.

Hyundai Construction Equipment joins the Taylor & Braithwaite fold

The company remained almost 100% focused on agricultural machinery until director, Ian Burton joined the company back in 2005 – Ian took over Mr. Braithwaite’s role. Mr Burton looks after the sales side of the business and Paul Taylor, Harold Taylor’s son, is responsible for aftersales although they work very much as a team.

Today the company’s business is more than 95% dedicated to construction machinery. Ian Burton contacted Hyundai in 2009, which was at the height of the economic recession.

Mr Burton said “Not many people were jumping up and down at this point to sell excavators, but I saw it as a great opportunity to enter into this industry whilst it was still quiet to build ourselves up for when the market recovered. From this point on the business grew.

The reason we chose Hyundai as a brand was because they manufactured a comprehensive range of machinery which included both heavy-line machines alongside the midi and mini ranges. They didn’t have any dealer representation in the area that we covered so it was a good move on behalf of both companies.”

It was in September 2009 Mr Burton met with the Hyundai team in Belgium to discuss taking on the Hyundai dealership. The company officially began trading in Hyundai in January 2010 with the -7A machines.

Since then the company has gone from strength to strength and the company is the approved dealer for leading brands including Maximus Crushing & Screening, Wacker Neuson for small plant, ProDem, Stihl and Yamaha. Mr Burton said, “We really have kept Hyundai as our main franchise and that’s where most our turnover is generated from. The addition of these newer franchises now enables us though to offer a depth of quality machinery and equipment to our customers that compliments the Hyundai range”

Mr Burton added, “We forecast to sell 12 Hyundai’s in the first year of trading and we managed to sell double that with 24 machines going out in 2010. The following year we sold 49 machines and then 60 – we in fact doubled what we set out to do! We thought selling 50 tractors and 50 excavators per year was a very nice and profitable little business – we well exceeded this. We are now selling around 100 Hyundai machines a year on average – we predict we will continue to in the treble figures each year. Last year we celebrated selling our 500th Hyundai machine.”

Giving up the John Deere franchise

It was in 2011 Taylor & Braithwaite let the John Deere franchise go – the company did not agree with the way John Deere was changing the way it wanted to work with its dealers. Mr Burton reported, “In 2011 the construction equipment side of the business really took off – we put all of our efforts into this side of the business. Giving up John Deere was not an easy decision to make – we had a lot of sleepless nights over it. We were in effect giving up a world-leading brand to concentrate our efforts on a lesser known construction brand - it was a real gamble. But I could not see the future in their dealer model for our area.”

The Hyundai brand up with its competitors

Taylor & Braithwaite director Paul Taylor said, “Since the arrival of the -7A machines the Hyundai brand has improved massively! The machines were always very reliable - but they lacked finesse and were a tad old fashioned in comparison to competitors’ brands. Hyundai needed to up their game to keep up with the other brands in the market. They have succeeded with this ten-fold - Hyundai It is now a well received and recognized brand.”

Mr Burton added, “Every time Hyundai bring out a new range they are another step forward with new technology that they incorporate into the machines – you could put Hyundai head to head with any of the competing brands and they would be up there with the best. The new AAVM viewing system is also a huge step forward and something that the other brands need to be introducing factory fitted and not retro-fitted. Brand snobbery is still an issue but we are addressing this.”

Biggest achievements for Taylor & Braithwaite

Mr Burton said, “Our biggest achievement I believe is successfully changing from 100% agricultural machinery to over 95% construction machinery – completely changing industry. If we had not made the change the company (T&B) would not be here now and we would have been swallowed up in the John Deere corporate company – we would be a small cog in a big wheel.

We have worked hard since the decision was made to change industries and are now able to offer a really strong and complimentary range of products and equipment that offers something for the smallest to the biggest customer.”

“Our original mission statement was to build and maintain a sound customer base and we stand by that today.” Added Mr Taylor. “We like to have happy customers and offer them value for money. We also need to have 110% confidence in a product to be able to sell it. We always look to grow long term relationships and we are a company where the directors are always on the end of the phone – we make decisions quickly – and work directly with all our customers. A good sound back up service is also key and a sound investment.

We are fortunate in that we have a team of staff who are extremely knowledgeable and take a lot of pride in the work that they do.”

We also have a loyal customer base that we have built up over the years. We spend time understanding their needs and make sure that the equipment that we supply is fit for purpose. This reputation has enabled us to grow and attract new customers, often through the recommendation of existing ones – so we must be doing something right”

50th Anniversary Charity Ball

As part of Taylor & Braithwaite’s 50th anniversary celebrations the company is hosting a ‘50th Anniversary Charity Celebration Ball’ which will take place on 6th October 2017 at the prestigious Low Wood Bay Resort & Spa located on Lake Windermere in the Lake District. The company is hoping to raise between 25 – 30K for Cancer Research UK.

240 guests have been invited from Taylor & Braithwaite’s customer base and industry contacts. There are 24 tables available and already 21 have been snapped up by supporters. There will also be an Auction of Promises at the event to raise further funds for the Cancer charity.

Mr Burton said, “Cancer Research UK is a very appropriate charity to choose as unfortunately we have all been affected by this disease either directly or indirectly so we delighted we are able to host a ball to raise funds at the same time as celebrating our 50th anniversary.”

Taylor & Braithwaite can be contacted on 017683 41400. Visit the website for more information on the company

The PVC industry is making real progress towards sustainability and a positive contribution to the circular economy through a united industry approach, delegates heard at the 5th VinylPlus Sustainability Forum 2017 in Berlin, Germany.

Organised by VinylPlus, the European PVC industry sustainability programme, this year’s forum held on May 10th and 11th took the theme of ‘Towards Circular Economy’ and explored the many growing opportunities for the PVC sector to contribute to this key objective of EU policy.

Against a backdrop of important decisions being taken on the European Commission’s Circular Economy Package, presentations and panel discussions from high-level speakers focussed on how the vinyl industry is tackling key sustainability issues, such as legacy additives in recycled PVC, and contributing to a stronger circular flow of resources.

The forum attracted more than 170 stakeholders from 30 countries representing academia, government bodies, the UN, the European Commission, specifiers, designers, architects and all sectors of the PVC industry.

Welcoming delegates, VinylPlus Chairman Josef Ertl said: “The debate about how Europe can make the transition to a circular economy is placed high on the political agenda. I’m sure, most people will agree, that a sustainable society without a circular economy is difficult to imagine. And the unique characteristics of plastics allow them to make a strong contribution to a more environmentally sustainable and resource efficient Europe. PVC is clearly contributing to this; and certainly VinylPlus with its unique co-operation model, bringing together the whole PVC value chain, is the right platform for sustainability and circularity in the PVC industry.”

Acknowledging that a move from a predominantly linear to a largely circular economic system would ‘dramatically change’ how companies and value chains co-operate and the way we produce and consume goods, Josef Ertl said: “In this context, we must ensure that the entire life cycle of a product is considered, not just aspects at the end of the life cycle.”

He called on political leaders to work closely with the PVC industry to analyse the potential impacts of any decisions that might affect the PVC sector, adding: “They should ensure that the process is developing smoothly without too many frictions. We in the PVC and plastics industry will support such an approach.”

Michael Kundel, President of the European Plastics Converters (EuPC) stated that a clear way forward on how to handle end of life PVC is ‘urgently required’ if its further potential is to be exploited in the future. He called on the PVC industry and political decision-makers to ‘co-operate fully and establish a framework that meets the needs of a low carbon economy’.

He added: “The VinylPlus Voluntary Commitment has set a framework and can serve as a roadmap on how to create a more sustainable future with plastic materials along the value chain. Being the successful pioneer, VinylPlus might well serve as a role model for other plastics too.”

In his update on the Agenda 2030 and the Circular Economy, Christophe Yvetot, UNIDO Representative to the European Union United Nations Industrial Development Organization, outlined PVC’s contribution to the ‘less is more’ vision through its greater durability, longevity and recyclability in materials used in future urban developments.

Presenting the 2016 results, VinylPlus General Manager Brigitte Dero highlighted the achievements of a ‘united PVC value chain’ within the VinylPlus framework, which included the recycling of 568,696 tonnes of PVC last year. A cumulative total of more than 3.5 million tonnes of PVC has been recycled since 2000 thanks to the efforts of VinylPlus.

Progress on additives includes the development of the Additives Sustainability Footprint (ASF), a science-based methodology for assessing the sustainable use of additives in PVC products. The first ASF will be completed for window profiles this year, followed by flexible applications.

Brigitte stated: “Through the VinylPlus Voluntary Commitment, we can provide solutions to issues raised in the EU discussion on Plastics Strategy. In 2016, we made real progress towards our sustainability goals in terms of the safety and quality of recycled PVC, alongside recognition by external stakeholders that VinylPlus is considered by many as a frontrunner for the circular economy. You can find out more in our Progress Report 2017.”

Discussion also centred on Circular Economy policies, both regionally and Europe-wide and their potential impact on the plastics industry as a whole. Dr ir Werner Bosmans, EU Commission, DG Environment, updated delegates on the EU Strategy on Plastics in a Circular Economy. Cees Luttikhuizen, Senior Policy Advisor at The Netherlands Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment evaluated the impact of REACH policies for waste and the circular economy.

Two keynote speeches from Norbert Kurilla, State Secretary at the Slovak Ministry of Environment and Dr Alexander Janz from the German Federal Ministry for Environment highlighted best practice and developments towards a circular economy in their respective countries.

Dr Janz said: “The many possible uses of plastics have made them an integral part of our daily lives. It is precisely for that reason that, now more than ever, we have to strengthen the sustainable management of plastics along the entire value chain and in doing so reduce negative effects on the environment and human health.”

Reflecting on the Forum, Josef Ertl concluded: “Innovation is the main driver which creates ways to reduce emissions and consumption of raw materials and resources. It improves energy and cost efficiency, it increases products’ useful lives. It will create a lot of new ways to improve recycling. Through the VinylPlus Voluntary Commitment, with the entire value chain, we contribute to overcoming the challenges faced in a circular economy.”

VinylPlus is the Voluntary Commitment of the European PVC industry. The programme establishes a long-term framework for the sustainable development of the PVC industry by tackling a number of critical challenges in the EU-28, Norway and Switzerland.

More information on the 2017 Forum can be found at More information on the Progress Report 2017 can be found at

Recofloor, the UK’s vinyl flooring take-back scheme, celebrated the environmental commitment of its recycling champions at its sixth Annual Awards Event at London’s world-famous Kia Oval cricket ground in March.

Flooring companies, contractors and distributors received trophies and certificates in ten major award categories plus Gold and Silver groupings from guest host former England cricket captain and Sky Sports commentator David Gower. These companies collected a record-breaking 523 tonnes through the scheme in 2016 – equivalent to 3.2 million cricket balls.

David commented: “Recycling is vital and I can see very easily that Recofloor makes economic and cultural sense to anyone involved in this industry.”


Since its 2009 inception by leading flooring manufacturers Polyflor and Altro, Recofloor has collected 3,289 tonnes of smooth and safety vinyl offcuts and roll ends, uplifted smooth vinyl and luxury vinyl tiles (LVT), which are recycled back into new products, including flooring.

The main winners were Middlesex Flooring Ltd, MCD Kidderminster, Fantasy Flooring Ltd, Ryjock Flooring Ltd, Interserve, The Hull Flooring Company Ltd, Commercial Flooring UK Ltd, PFL, 3D Flooring Supplies, S&D Flooring Specialists Ltd and Carpets ‘N’ Carpets Ltd.

A record number of entries were received and were judged mainly on last year’s achievements, while also recognising collectors’ significant contributions in various ways.

Middlesex Flooring Ltd won Contractor of the Year for their ‘impassioned attitude’ towards the scheme and demonstration of ‘exceptional commitment’ to collecting clean material. Alongside regularly briefing staff on the importance of separating material for recycling, they ran an internal competition to see which fitter could collect the most vinyl flooring. Top Floors (East Anglia) Ltd was highly commended in this category.

Distributors play a significant role in the scheme’s success by extending their services to allow fitters to drop off smaller volumes of waste vinyl flooring at their sites. Named Distributor of the Year, MCD Kidderminster impressed the judges by further increasing tonnages and training their sales staff to promote Recofloor’s benefits while visiting customers. Birch Distribution, Sheffield was highly commended in this category.

Fantasy Flooring Ltd scooped Drop-Off Site User of the Year having stood out as a ‘consistent performer’ and ‘outstanding’ Recofloor contributor over the years. Praised for returning clean, good quality material, the company displays the Recofloor logo across their vehicle fleet. Ryjock Flooring Ltd was highly commended in this category.

Designed to give credit to contractors of all sizes, the new Project of the Year award went to Ryjock Flooring Ltd for their successful use of Recofloor in a major on-going social housing refurbishment scheme for Sheffield City Council. Toolbox Talks ensured their fitters understood how the scheme works, maximising the amount of material collected while reducing disposal costs. Another winning quality was the ‘slick coordination and communication’ between the contractor and the Birch Distribution drop-off site. J&S Flooring Ltd was highly commended in this category.

Ryjock Flooring Managing Director, Wayne Conlan said: “As proud Recofloor members we are thrilled to be the first to win this new award category. It’s a big bonus. My son Ryan was proactive in establishing the scheme on this project as we knew that it was going to create a lot of waste. Tackling environmental issues ticks a lot of boxes, so we will continue to promote the scheme via our website, emails and social media.”

Rita Fortune, Marketing Manager at PFL’s Dublin depot was named Recofloor Champion as a ‘shining example’ to all members. Having taken her company from recycling nothing to recycling in three different branches, Limerick, Dublin and Belfast, Rita also promotes Recofloor via various media channels. Lee Harvey, MCD Wales was highly commended in this category.

“It was an amazing surprise to receive the award and totally unexpected, I’m delighted,” said Rita. “PFL were behind the scheme 100% from the start, so none of this would have been possible without that support. Recycling through Recofloor is a no-brainer really; you have to save the planet and you’re saving your customers money. It’s a very easy system to use, the key thing is ensuring everyone understands how it works and to keep getting that across to them.”

In a Recofloor first, S&D Flooring Specialists Ltd was named a double award winner for Brand Ambassador (new for 2017) and Outstanding Achievement. Described as the ‘epitome of proactivity’, the Hull-based company has a dedicated Recofloor section on their website and an active presence on a broad range of social media platforms, including an informative Twitter account. After collecting the largest volume of material by any contractor, S&D Flooring Specialists also reaches people ‘like no other company does’. Branagan Flooring Services Ltd was highly commended in the Brand Ambassador category.

Greatest Improver went to Interserve with a 240% increase in tonnage collected compared to the previous year. The Hull Flooring Company Ltd and Commercial Flooring UK Ltd took second and third places respectively.

3D Flooring Supplies received Best Newcomer, having taken to the scheme ‘like a duck to water’. Based in Bristol, a Recofloor hotspot, they have collected more material than other member in that area and created a loyal following of Recofloor drop-off site users. G S Flooring Ltd was highly commended in this category.

The final award; the Longstanding Service Award was presented to Carpets ‘N’ Carpets, Treorchy, one of Recofloor’s most consistent collectors that has collected nearly 60 tonnes in total since joining in 2011. Senior Estimator Ian Davies commented: “The scheme works well for us and having won Contractor of the Year last year, obviously we’re delighted to win again. We publicise this on our website and use the Recofloor logos on our vans, stationery and emails.”

Recofloor Directors Bob Smith and John Patsavellas praised the high quality and content of entries that made judging a difficult task. John added: Recofloor is a world-beating scheme; it makes absolutely logical and financial sense. It’s a win-win!”

Material collected by Recofloor’s 700-plus members is recycled back into products, including new flooring, which benefits the environment and can reduce collectors’ waste disposal costs by up to 70%. Waste vinyl flooring was also used to make this year’s distinctive new awards trophies, designed by Stella Corrall, Creative Director at Lucentia Design.

Reporting on the scheme’s 2016 achievements, Recofloor Manager Jane Gardner said: “Recofloor is making an impact at the heart of the Circular Economy through recovering resources for reuse. It’s a great example of manufacturers working together for a sustainable future.”

A total of 29 firms received Gold and Silver Awards based on the amount of material collected per fitter.

Gold Award winners included: 3D Flooring Supplies, Cardiff; Birch Distribution, Hull; Birch Distribution, Sheffield; Breydon Flooring Ltd; Carpet & Flooring, Bristol; Carpet & Flooring, Manchester; Chesterfield Contract Flooring; MCD Kidderminster; MK Floorstyle; Reform Flooring Ltd; S&D Flooring Specialists Ltd; Status Flooring Ltd, The Hull Flooring Company; Top Floors (East Anglia) Ltd.

Silver Award winners were: 3D Flooring Supplies, Taunton; Branagan Flooring Services Ltd; Carpet & Flooring, Glasgow; Carpets ‘N’ Carpets Ltd; Flooring Solutions (NI) Ltd; J&S Flooring; K Broadbent Carpet Contractors; Mayfield Flooring Ltd, MCD Wales; Middlesex Flooring Ltd; Neofloors Limited; Nutland Carpets Accessories Ltd (Chandlers Ford); Premier Carpets & Flooring Ltd; Safety Flooring Supplies; Stanground Carpets & Flooring Ltd.

More information on Recofloor can be found on Contact 0161 355 7618 or email

The future of the Joloda International loading systems businesses have been secured through a private ‘Buy-In Management Buy-Out’ (BIMBO) deal, which sees the arrival of a new, investing CEO, supported by two of the group’s existing directors. Majority share owning Executive Chairman, Wojtek Kordel, who led the original acquisition of the company from the York Trailer Group in 1982, steps aside into a non-executive director role, to lend continuity and shareholder representation on the new board. Commercial details of the sale are not disclosed.

Joloda International Limited now comprises the original core business, based in Garston, Liverpool; the Hydraroll division based in Gaerwen, Anglesey; a mainland European operation, Joloda BV, based in Venray in the Netherlands; Joloda LLC, based in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA; and Joloda South America, based in SĂŁo Paulo, Brazil. The current structure of the Joloda International group testifies to its growth and success, from its modest beginnings in Toxteth, Liverpool in 1962 to today, as an UK-based specialist engineering company turning over in excess of ÂŁ10million and exporting directly and through a network of agents to more than 20 countries.

Wojtek Kordel says, “Joloda International is a remarkable success story – and I have been developing a succession strategy for the business for some time. At the core of this strategy has remained my personal determination to keep the primary engineering skills and jobs here in the UK, securing the future of our incredibly loyal workforce, both in Liverpool and in Anglesey. In addition, I wanted to ensure absolute continuity and stability for our subsidiary businesses and the network of agents around the world with whom we have worked over many years.

“I set a range of objectives for the business some twenty five years ago and we have managed to achieve and exceed those aims – but I have to recognise that the time is right to introduce new working owners to Joloda, to take the business forward and to the next level. Our management team, our employees and our agents should share our confidence in the buy-out framework which we have agreed and which underpins and secures their futures and the direction of the business”, says Wojtek Kordel.

The new investing Chief Executive Officer is Michele Dematteis, a Merseyside entrepreneur and business leader with a significant track record for developing and growing leading SME manufacturing companies. In his previous role, he was responsible for transforming a market leader in the manufacture and servicing of conveyor systems from its previously modest position to being a 2014 Sunday Times Fast Track 100 Company.

Dematteis is joined by Alec McAndrew, Joloda International’s current Operations Director, who brings a wide experience of design, engineering, manufacturing and essential support functions to the new board. Wouter Satijn, currently International Sales Director for all the group companies completes the new buy-out board. He was previously General Manager of Joloda’s Netherlands-based subsidiary, Joloda BV.

Incoming CEO Michele Dematteis says, “I am delighted with the outcome of these buy-in, buy-out negotiations and I look forward to working with my new investing team colleagues to build on Joloda’s success story, further develop its products and its markets – and take our business toward the future.”

Joloda Global Leadership in Niche Markets

The original and now famous Joloda skate and track system, for the manual assisted movement of loads within vehicles, was developed in 1962. The system then won the prestigious Design Award in 1977. After a brief period within the ownership of a large trailer manufacturer, the company was bought out in 1982 by its then senior management, led by Wojtek Kordel. In subsequent years the base product was developed further, with hydraulic and modular systems being added later. Joloda loading systems have become the default equipment of choice for applications including palletised unit loads within trailers, the movement of paper reels for the newspaper industry, the assembly and one-shot loading of ISO containers and weapons handling systems for military users.

Following the acquisition of the Hydraroll business in 2003, the company strengthened its presence in the automated loading systems sector, notably in airfreight handling. The formation of Joloda BV, originally as a joint venture with the Satijn family, enabled the company to set up an assembly operation for customised loading solutions closer to the primary markets of mainland Europe and the creation of Joloda LLC in the US has enabled the company to grow exponentially in the American markets. The company’s expertise in logistics and engineering has earned it an unique leadership position within the specialist niche global markets it serves, with over 500,000 loading systems having been supplied worldwide. Across its range of products, it delivers up to 500 systems per month to a customer base which includes many of the world’s leading brands, manufacturers and carriers.

Joloda (International) Limited

51 Speke Road, Garston, Liverpool L19 2NY

Tel: +44 (0) 151 427 8954



Twelve of the most inspirational female role models in the UK’s transport and logistics industry received prizes at the 2017 FTA everywoman in Transport & Logistics Awards.

The awards celebrated their 10th anniversary with a glittering ceremony at the London Marriott Hotel. FTA Chief Executive David Wells, who presented the prizes, said: “These awards celebrate the wealth of female talent in a traditionally male-dominated sector. Logistics is one of the UK’s most important industries, employing more than 2.54 million people and ensuring that all aspects of our economy continue to work as efficiently as possible.

“At such a time of great change and economic uncertainty, we need to inspire young people and showcase aspirational role models. The teenagers of today are the transport managers and logistics directors of tomorrow and these awards help us to raise the profile of our sector throughout the country.”

The awards programme was launched to raise awareness of the varied opportunities within transport and logistics, while creating visible role models to inspire and encourage more women to pursue a career in the industry. Judge Michael Dunn from DHL said they promoted “opportunities for talented and successful women in the sector”.

Maxine Benson MBE, co-founder of everywoman, commented: “The role models celebrated, ranging from women excelling at the beginning of their career to those well-established in their journey, are a reflection of the many rewarding opportunities within the transport and logistics industry. We are proud to recognise individuals who are transforming the industry through their tenacity, passion for innovation and commitment to mentoring the next generation.”

The winners were recognised as the finest in their field, from individuals making significant improvements to road and rail infrastructure to those renovating intricate warehouse logistics in organisations including Sainsbury’s and KPMG.

As well as 12 category winners, one overall winner was identified as Woman of the Year. This went to Julie McCaffery from Grangemouth Stirlingshire, Change Manager (Scotland) at Asda, who was recognised for contributing to the increasing success of the organisation after she led numerous colleague engagement and continuous improvement projects. These initiatives improved the site’s overall safety, customer service and reduced colleague underperformance costs by 70% over the last 12 months alone.

However, Julie’s tenacity is not limited to the workplace. Since 2010, she has worked on a part-time basis as an Associate Lecturer at the University of West Scotland, delivering the MSc program to Quality Management, Project Management and Logistics and Distribution students. By sharing her personal and professional experiences, Julie uses this platform to encourage and inspire students, particularly female students, to venture into the industry.

The category winners for the 2017 FTA everywoman in Transport & Logistics Awards are:

The Freight Award – sponsored by Eddie Stobart - Awarded to a woman demonstrating how she is innovating in the sector.

Above and Beyond ‱ Tracy Ward, Contract Manager, PD Ports

Leader ‱ Jannette Wallace, Runcorn Depot Manager, CM Downton, from Runcorn, Cheshire

The Passenger Award - Awarded to a woman demonstrating how she is improving the customer experience.

Above & Beyond ‱ Victoria Garcia, Accessibility and Communities Officer, Brighton & Hove Buses, from Brighton & Hove

Leader ‱ Michelle Hargreaves, Managing Director, Stagecoach East Midlands, from Lincoln

The Infrastructure Award - Awarded to a woman demonstrating how she is improving road or rail infrastructure.

Above & Beyond ‱ Caroline Milnes, Programme Manager, Tesco, from St Albans

Leader ‱ Sue Kershaw, Managing Director, KPMG, from London

The Supply Chain Award – sponsored by DHL – Awarded to a woman demonstrating how she is improving processes within supply chain.

Above & Beyond ‱ Jeny Hanvey, Customer Service Manager, Kuehne + Nagel Ltd, from Wellingborough, Northamptonshire

Leader ‱ Gillian Joyce, Former National Fleet Manager, Post Office Ltd, from Manchester

The Warehousing Award – sponsored by Amazon - Awarded to a woman demonstrating how she is innovating and improving warehouse operations.

Above & Beyond ‱ Claire Davidson, Senior Project Manager - Logistics Implementation, J Sainsbury’s Plc, from Rugby, Warwickshire

Leader ‱ Angela Howard, VP Operations – Retail, DHL Supply Chain, from Rugby, Warwickshire

The Industry Champion Award – sponsored by Asda Logistics Services - Awarded to one individual only, male or female, demonstrating the impact that they have had on attracting and retaining women in the industry.

‱ Jacqueline O'Donovan, Managing Director, O'Donovan Waste Disposal Ltd, from London

Photos show (1) all the winners and (2) FTA Chief Executive David Wells with Woman of the Year Julie McCaffery from Grangemouth Stirlingshire, Change Manager (Scotland) at Asda.

By Malcom Kent CEA (Construction Equipment Association), senior technical consultant.

If you are in any way involved in the safety of earth-moving machinery you probably already know that there is a problem with the technical standard for what operators need to be able to see from their work station. This goes back several years to when a German citizen submitted a petition on the matter to the European Parliament. His claim was that the standard that earth-moving machinery manufacturers were using in the design of machinery, ISO 5006, did not provide a sufficient level of safety. After a long process of investigation and consultation the European Commission came to the conclusion that he was right, and in January of this year published what is called a Decision, with a capital D. This Decision was to state that the standard had been deemed inadequate and that the Commission’s approval of the standard was being withdrawn. What that means is that, although the standard still exists, manufacturers can no longer rely on it as a means to claim that their machines are safe enough with regards to visibility.

What does the standard currently require? Visibility_2web

There are two areas where visibility is assessed under the 2006 edition of the standard: firstly on a 12 metre circle around the machine at ground level, and secondly on a 1.5 metre high post moved around a rectangle set 1 metre out from the footprint of the machine. The detailed requirements vary depending on machine type and size but the principles are the same for all. Note that there is no requirement to be able to see anything at all between 1m and 12m from the machines, although in practice the operator would be able to see a great deal in this range. The main complaint in the original petition was that significant blind spots behind the machine were allowed under the standard and this led to the risk of accidents.

So, what does ‘safe enough’ mean? Well, it depends. It depends on risk assessment that covers the type of machine, the size of machine, how it moves and how fast, how its work equipment (if any) moves and how it is used. That is quite a lot to consider but that is what each manufacturer needs to do in the absence of any technical standard that they can hang their hats on. It’s not just manufacturers who are uneasy in the absence of a suitable technical standard: safety authorities across Europe are trying to produce guidance for manufacturers and are supporting the development of a new standard. The HSE have issued their own guidance document (available for download from their website) which covers some key considerations without going into a lot of detail.

So where are we going with the new standard? That is really hard to say. There are lots of fingers in the pie, from countries a long way away from Europe (remember that the standard is an ISO – international – one) who do not really see the need to plaster machines with mirrors, cameras, radar, or whatever, to countries at the heart of Europe with a culture that demands the highest level of technical risk reduction on products. Because of this there is a real tension over how much to change the ISO standard and it is not clear yet whether the project will succeed in publishing anything. Even if it does, it is by no means certain that the European Commission would deem it as being satisfactory. If they did not it would mean that the effort had been in vain as the block on the use of the standard would remain in place.

Visibility from earth-moving machinery2The other possibility is that new requirements on visibility could be written into a European standard, meaning that the influence of the Rest Of The World would disappear. On the face of it this would seem more likely to succeed in producing a standard acceptable to the European Commission but the focus of work still seems to be missing the target as far as some people see it.

All this means that we are unlikely to have in our hands for several years (yes, years) a standard for machine visibility which will provide the level of clarity that manufacturers, customers and safety authorities all crave.

So what are we all to do in the meantime? Many manufacturers will be looking at the HSE guidance, which, amongst other things, tells them to review and update their risk assessments, to review what is available in terms of visibility aids and to keep themselves informed on how work on revising the standard is progressing. That last one is pretty well impossible as the work is going in fits and starts, in two directions at once. The guidance also recommends including ‘visibility maps’ in the machine instructions showing the blind spots around the machine. Given how often instruction manuals are used it is questionable as to whether this will reduce accidents. As far as customers are concerned, some are asking manufacturers what they are doing about visibility and some are taking things into their own hands, installing after-market camera systems or other aids. Although there is nothing wrong with this, machine owners need to be aware that, along with the system supplier, they are taking over a significant chunk of responsibility for risk assessment.

So at the current point in time there is no clear vision on visibility. Manufacturers have to stand on their own two feet in risk assessment and the provision of visibility aids and that situation is likely to continue for quite some time.

Paul Featherstone, group director of surplus food recycler, SugaRich said:

“SugaRich welcomes the proposal by the European Commission, in its revised Circular Economy package, that former foodstuffs destined to become animal feed should not be classified as waste.

“This change to the legal framework is part of Europe’s strategy to reduce waste along the entire food chain. Surplus food which is safe to feed to animals is definitely not waste. The nutrients stay within the human food chain, whether it’s converted to eggs or to milk, which then goes back into human food. Our approach ensures we retain more valuable nutrients in the food chain, helping to improve the quality of livestock and their production, and therefore what people subsequently eat.”

The Commission proposes to exclude all feed materials, including former foodstuffs, from the scope of the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC in its new legal proposal on waste. This step shows that former foodstuff processing is recognised as an important link between the food and feed chain and should be part of integrated food and feed safety policies.

Paul Featherstone adds: “A clear non-waste legal status for former foodstuffs is important, as reprocessing operations can occasionally be interrupted by environmental control authorities who have incorrectly interpreted former foodstuff as ‘waste.’ This clarification will help food businesses reduce the amount of food sent to landfill every year, save costs, turn waste into revenue and lessen environmental damage.

Curtiss-Wright’s Industrial division has announced it has launched a new non-contact, rotary position sensor from its brand family of Penny & Giles.

With an 8mm low-profile sensor body and a small footprint, this fully-encapsulated, IP68/IP69K-rated sensor offers exceptional levels of performance against water, dust, shock, vibration and temperature. The NRH300DP is ideal for use by OEMs of on- and off-highway vehicles that are destined for use in challenging environments, and as a cost-effective solution for medium volume applications where a select number of options or degree of customization may be required.

Benefits of the new NRH300DP rotary position sensor include:

Non-contact sensing technology provides a long mechanical life

Can be factory set to correspond to rotations of 20° to 360° in 1° increments

Industry-standard 38mm mounting centers – for easy replacement or upgrades

On-board diagnostic functions allow the two outputs to be put into safe, pre-defined states should an internal sensor error be detected

Additonal features include an innovative circuit design that allows the rotary position sensor to be powered from a regulated 5V supply or a varying voltage – such as a vehicle’s battery – in the range of 9 to 30V. Versatile, factory-programmable electronics can also be easily set to one of two analog voltage output ranges (0.5-4.5V or 0.2-4.8V) or one of three PWM frequencies.

The NRH300DP uses proven, wear-free Hall-effect sensing technology and replaces the NRH280DP for new applications. The new design features a number of magnet arrangement options, and includes an over-molded magnet carrier that simplifies the interfacing of the magnet and sensor during installation. Optional bolt, plug or loose carrier variations are also available.

World leading lifting equipment specialists, Konecranes, is once again showing its support for apprenticeship provision here in the UK having appointed six new electrical engineering apprentices this year within its crane service operation. Such is Konecranes commitment to the programme that the company is pledging to double its apprentice intake in 2016.

Bringing the total to 33 apprentices currently enrolled onto the initial three to four year scheme (19 in crane service, five in administration and nine in production), the 2015-2016 newcomers will be based around the country at Konecranes regional branches in Rochester, Andover, Bristol, Warrington, Sheffield and Gateshead.

Selected from some 150 plus applicants, each apprentice will attend college for off-the-job training, the aim being to achieve NVQ Level 2 PEO (Performance Engineering Operations). At the end of year one, the apprentices will also benefit from a further six weeks intensive training as a group, delivered onsite at Konecranes state-of-the-art training centre located at its UK headquarters in Castle Donington, Leicestershire. Here the focus will be crane specific and health and safety. Subsequent training will then be in accordance with the company’s ongoing programme. On completion of training, apprentices will be qualified as Service Technicians, with a BTEC Higher National Certificate in electrical and electronic engineering.

Commenting on behalf of Konecranes, Pat Campbell, Director of Market Area – Europe West said: “Apprenticeships are not only a great way for an individual to gain a recognised qualification, but to develop professional skills for real career progression. We have both senior managers and directors in our business who have undergone the apprenticeship programme in the past, so the scope for continued development not just here in the UK, but on a global basis, is a very realistic proposition.”

A long-term advocate of leading industry players investing in a combination of theoretical classroom and practical on-the-job training, Konecranes holds the enviable record of having a 100% track record in ensuring that service apprentices upon completion of their training go into a full-time job position. This philosophy has always existed within the Konecranes group and is something that HR Director – Region Europe West, Karen Winfield is very protective of. As she injects: “It is not just about giving our apprentices a job at the end of their training period, but putting them on a career path that can take them to the top of their profession.

“Our apprentices not only benefit from access to outstanding learning opportunities, they are remunerated in the process for their efforts, whilst being eligible for a range of fringe benefits that an employer such as Konecranes is capable of offering. Should they then decide to progress to degree level, this delivers another significant advantage in that it is Konecranes who fund the process, so any form of student debt traditionally associated with a University degree is eliminated,” she added.

In recognition of the apprentices’ training and learning efforts, Konecranes recently held its annual Award Ceremony, this year involving the presentation of a new Memorial Award made in commemoration of Paul Coxon, a former apprentice of Konecranes himself. Bestowed on the apprentice that demonstrated both the personal qualities and attributes that Paul consistently exhibited during his 25 years service with Konecranes, the inaugural award went to fourth year apprentice, Alex Linford based in Gateshead. Also singled out was Apprentice Of The Year 2015, James Thackery of Sheffield. The ceremony was held following the culmination of the company’s annual apprentice team building event that was attended by 19 crane service apprentices and which took part over three days at Adventure Sports in Warwick and Whilton Mill Kart Circuit, Daventry.

As event organiser, Konecranes National Training Manager, Martin Wadeson said: “This year’s team building event was hugely successful and thoroughly enjoyed by all concerned. It remains a great way to build rapport between all of the apprentices and get everyone pulling in the same direction.”



At LogiMAT (Hall 3 / Stand B31), Cabka IPS will be showing selected products from its extensive portfolio of plastic pallets. For example, interested visitors can take a look at the BigBag Divider, one of our company's latest products. It can be used to more efficiently transport and store flexible intermediate bulk containers, also called big bags. This loading equipment is easy to stack; during handling it protects the filled bags from the fork arms of industrial trucks to reduce downtimes and costs. The BigBag Divider can be used wherever bulk goods are transported or stored in big bags, which are traditionally the chemical and pharmaceutical as well as the food industry.

Cabka-IPS will also be presenting its new pallet Nest M1. This pallet is only 400 x 300 millimeters, and at half the size of a module, it is the smallest pallet in the company's portfolio. It was designed for display positioning at the point of sale and, thanks to its size, is especially suited for small sales floors and product displays with an average speed of sale. In order to guarantee stability, the displays can be affixed to the pallet using special locking points. An innovative plug-in system (patent filed) will make it possible to combine the pallets into larger units. Thanks to its conical feet, the pallet is nestable, which saves space during storage or transport.

Cabka-IPS at LogiMat in Stuttgart: Hall 3 / Booth 31


A successful family history

In 2014, BEUMER Group, based in Beckum, looked back on yet another successful year with a turnover of 680 million Euros. This was possible because BEUMER continued to concentrate on its core business capabilities, to be innovative, and consistently to pursue its strategic policy of globalisation. A considerable portion of the credit for all this must go to the shared values of this family-owned company. They are the basis for the system provider’s successful integration of some 4,100 employees, each of whom comes from different cultures and backgrounds, and of those, in particular, who have joined the group as a result of its corporate acquisitions. This year, BEUMER Group celebrates its 80th anniversary.

With innovative system solutions for intralogistics in conveying and loading technology, palletising and packaging technology as well as sortation and distribution systems, BEUMER has established an excellent position in the world market. These solutions are applied in various industries such as cement, lime and gypsum, agriculture and mining, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, energy, food and beverage and also in airports and logistics centres. "We can only achieve a high level of customer satisfaction and a sustainable, successful market presence when the whole team is involved in the corporate strategy in the long term," explains Dr. Christoph Beumer, Chairman and CEO of BEUMER Group. He has been managing the family business since 2000, now in the third generation. Just how innovative and successful this mid-sized company is, has now been extensively documented in the latest edition of the compendium of German world market leaders "Lexikon der deutschen WeltmarktfĂŒhrer", issued by the business press publisher Deutsche Standards EDITIONEN.

It all started with an idler

On December 9, 1935, the 33-year-old Bernhard Beumer started his first work day as an entrepreneur with four employees. Until then, he had been working for a conveying technology company in Essen. One of his most important seed assets, aside from his courage and determination, was the experience he gained as a repair mechanic for conveying technology, working in the mining industry in the Ruhr area before completing his degree in engineering. Bernhard Beumer had long entertained the idea of being independent and founding his own business. When he learned that a vacant factory building in his hometown of Beckum was up for sale, he seized this opportunity. The classic conveying technology formed the foundation of his business.

The entrepreneur starts from scratch. As a young senior engineer, he knew the business, as well as the customer's needs. Already when founding his new company, he brought with him his first orders from the building materials, cement and mining industries. A considerable step towards the success of BEUMER conveying technology was his development of the idler with labyrinth seal. The founder of the company had this innovation patented and integrated it further into other products. From this idler, he derived the company logo which is still used today: The circle represents the cross section of the idler's tube, the arrow is the idler axle and its direction of running. The company continued to grow, employing about 100 people at the outbreak of the Second World War.

The son as successor

Not only the company founder, but also his eldest son bears the name Bernhard Beumer. It was an obvious choice for the son to follow in his father's footsteps. After completing studies in mechanical engineering, he worked at his father's side for 18 years and took over the company after his father's death in 1981. In the field of conveying technology, he particularly pursued the development of bucket elevators. He quickly realised that a chain as a traction element was too heavy. Its net weight cancels out a major portion of its tractive force. By this time, BEUMER was already an expert in belt conveying technology. This gave Bernhard Beumer the idea of using a belt as the traction element for bucket elevators. He used a belt with steel wires to ensure that the buckets are reliably fixed to the belt. He arranged the steel wires so that there are wire-free zones. Holes can be punched into these zones to fasten the buckets tightly to the belt.

With these bucket elevators, BEUMER created a conveying technology which allows for considerably higher speeds and greater centre distances. BEUMER's current belt bucket elevators allow centre distances of 178 metres or more. By the mid-1980s, the supplier had installed about 100 systems altogether, in 2007 and 2008 there were about 450 installed per year, world-wide. Besides the product development in the field of conveying technology, Bernhard Beumer Jr. also continued the initial development of loading systems and set BEUMER on a decisive path for the globalisation of the group, founding companies in Brazil, the USA and Asia.

On any terrain - curved belt conveyors

In the 1960s, BEUMER laid the foundation for curved belt conveying systems. The first theoretical designs on the market were from the company's Department for Research and Development. Today this group is one of the technological leaders for these systems, either as troughed belt conveyors with open design or as Pipe Conveyors. One particularly impressive reference project is the 12.5 km long troughed belt conveyor in the Chinese province of Sichuan, which was put into operation in 2008 and currently conveys about 2,200 tons of limestone from the quarry to the cement plant. Its routing features several vertical and horizontal curves. The system traverses 1.5 kilometres of water surface and extensive bamboo forests, and can overcome height distances of up to 100 metres. For the same project, BEUMER Group has now been awarded the contract to supply and install another conveyor of similar size, and the customer is already planning a third expansion phase.

No more heavy lifting

In the field of loading technology, Bernhard Beumer Jr. developed new products, such as the three-dimensional loading machine for loading cement bags onto trucks. This relieved the physical burden of the workers. In the 1970s, the engineers further developed this machine until it became completely automated. The stationary palletiser is a result of this development. Today, the BEUMER paletpac stacks paper, PE and PP bags on pallets of different sizes in a flexible, precise and stable way. Depending on the product requirements, it can be equipped with a clamp-type turning device or a twin-belt turning device. The latter allows gentle, fast and precise stacking of bagged bulk material on pallets. The BEUMER stretch hood is a well proven high capacity packaging system that then packages the palletised stacks efficiently and economically. This technology has been optimised further in regards to functioning, economic efficiency and ergonomics and was presented for the first time at the Interpack in May 2014. Since its introduction, BEUMER's customers have responded very positively to this system.

The third generation

Since 2000, Dr.-Ing. Christoph Beumer, the founder's grandson, has been managing the company. "The success is primarily due to the familial spirit. We have consistently held to our motto 'We are looking for the long-term success, and not for the short-term profit'," he says. BEUMER ensures the long-term success of the company through manageable growth, a large range of products and a global market presence. BEUMER machines and systems are in use all around the world. The group consistently pursues its globalisation, by setting up local group companies, and even local production facilities in China and Thailand. The result: the company has exhibited extremely stable organic growth over the last several years. Undeterred by the impending financial and global economic crisis, Beumer took over the Danish sortation technology specialist Crisplant in 2009, followed later by companies in India, the US and Belgium. Hundreds of thousands of suitcases every day pass through BEUMER baggage systems at airports in Frankfurt, London, Beijing, Singapore and other locations world-wide. Thousands of packages traverse conveyor belts supplied by the intralogistics specialist at parcel centres operated by Hermes, GeoPost, UPS and FedEx. With its acquisition of Enexco Technologies in India, a manufacturer of grinding systems and packaging machines for the cement industry, BEUMER has reinforced its presence in vital markets and simultaneously systematically expanded its portfolio, without abandoning its traditional segments. And what about the integration of the very diverse cultures? The CEO views this as a chance to learn from each other. "We want to create a working environment where everyone respects each other's individuality," emphasises Dr. Beumer. And due to the fact that the local employees in the group companies speak the same language as their customers, the customers feel understood. This creates a high level of customer retention.

Becoming a single-source provider

In order to be able to fill bags with bulk materials such as cement, mortar or gypsum and therefore provide entire packaging lines for the building materials industry, the BEUMER fillpac, an innovative filling system was introduced to the market in 2013. Users can flexibly integrate and adapt it to existing packaging lines. At the Achema 2015 trade fair, BEUMER presented itself for the first time to the chemical industry as a single-source provider for filling, palletising and packaging technologies with its latest development of an innovative form fill seal (FFS) system. The BEUMER sealpac responds very flexibly to different bulk density, flow characteristics and grain distribution.

More than just service

BEUMER does not only provide and install machines and systems. With highly capable specialists deployed around the globe, the company also ensures trouble-free operation worldwide. BEUMER Group has established a fourth, independent business unit, in the form of its Customer Support unit. The group thus ensures high levels of availability for its customers' machines and systems. Its specialists take care of the customer, starting with the first project discussion, up until the system is in operation. Customer Support offers various service agreements which are matched individually to the respective needs of the customer, including service intervals and response times as agreed by contract. The agreements can range from maintenance and inspection to a long-term placement of service personnel on site. Within the framework of its wide reaching Customer Support business, BEUMER Group also provides Residential Service. It enables logistics service providers to delegate the responsibility of availability, performance and profitability of filling, palletising and packaging installations to BEUMER specialists. The single-source provider has extensive experience and knowledge of technical and logistics matters in the chemical industry, helping ensure the high efficiency of their machines. In order to provide trouble-free operation, BEUMER employees come to customer sites world-wide, even long-term, if required.

"I view the company as a little jewel case," explains Dr. Beumer when speaking of the company history. "When my grandfather founded it, it was no more than a little wooden box. He added some velvet lining to it and then handed it over to the second generation, my father, who added some more and embellished it further." And following this tradition, the jewel box was then handed over to Dr. Christoph Beumer. His belief is that if you receive the little box, your task is to keep it safe, to maintain it, and, if possible, always add a little to it. Under no circumstances may you remove anything or simply live off of it. "The responsibility is always handed over as well," emphasises Dr. Beumer.

It takes dedication and planning to handle some of the world’s most difficult tasks. They are not always the most spectacular or the largest, but it many cases they are deemed to be worthy of going a little more than the extra mile. Mention the words “nuclear industry” and many people are concerned. Yet the decommissioning of nuclear establishments in the UK has created a whole industry to deal with this delicate issue – and into this arena has stepped the Sheffield-based SCX Special Projects division.

In simple terms the decommissioning of old nuclear power stations requires the removal of nuclear waste. Not such as easy job when the presence of potentially lethal radioactive materials require processes to handle dangerous materials that are hazardous to the natural environment, expensive and require detailed and experienced approaches.

Dounreay Site Restoration Limited in Scotland is considered to be one of the largest and most difficult nuclear decommissioning challenges in Europe. From 1954 until 1994 it was the centre for experimental fast breeder testing and development, made up of 180 facilities including three reactors, chemical reprocessing plants and various waste facilities. At an estimated total cost of ÂŁ4.5bn, the mass clean-up is scheduled to finish in 2030 but access to parts of the site will be restricted for a further 250 years. For an in-depth process of this calibre you need to be able to rely on your equipment.

The SCX Group comprises three expert engineering companies that operate as one of the UK’s leading solution providers in the fields of mechanical handling and overhead lifting equipment and controls – including their Special Projects division. The company’s custom designed high-integrity cranes and lifting solutions, coupled with their rigorous safety standards and moving expertise is proving to be an ideal fit for a number of Tier 1 projects under Government contracts at nuclear facilities across the country including Sellafield, Harwell, Hunterston, Hinkley, Trawsfynydd, Berkeley and Winfrith.

Plans for a new high-level waste (HLW) storage facility at Dounreay are well under way and SCX’s Special Projects division has recently been awarded the contract to design, manufacture and install a drum crane which will be responsible for the handling of nuclear waste at the facility. The £22 million facility will be an extension to the existing Dounreay Cementation Plant, providing more storage space for 500L stainless steel drums used to contain the encapsulated liquid waste. Here the steel drums holding liquefied radioactive waste will be encased in cement, put into long-term storage and monitored by remotely controlled operations.

Danny Pickard, Applications Engineer at SCX Special Projects, believes that in such a safety-critical industry you need to ensure that the equipment is reliable. “When dealing with high-level waste, you need to apply extreme caution and the most important thing to take into consideration is the strength and durability of your equipment. It is also crucial to keep safety and quality at the top of your list of priorities so that your staff are protected and can work with confidence in the surrounding environment. During the initial design and testing stages of the drum crane for Dounreay we will identify, analyse and resolve any potential hazards or risks in function to ensure that everything practicable is done with regards to safety.”

The 3 tonne SWL, modified-off-the-shelf (MOTS) crane designed specifically for work at Dounreay will be a semi-automatic, remote controlled crane complete with a MotoSuiveur failsafe unit, recovery systems and CCTV. The primary function of the crane will be to transfer the 500L drums containing the nuclear waste packages within the D2702 facility, from the Drum Import Enclosure to a designated position within the facility’s storage vaults. SCX Special Projects will provide a full turnkey handling solution to Dounreay. As well as designing the optimal MOTS (modified off-the-shelf) crane solution tailored to the specific safety and handling requirements of the site, SCX Special Projects will provide all the supporting documentation in accordance with stringent nuclear design codes, then undertake the manufacture, Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT), installation at Dounreay, Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) and commissioning. The entire process is scheduled for completion in time for Christmas 2016.

Danny Pickard expresses the importance of investing in a mechanically failsafe hoist device; “We understand how crucial it is to be certain that a load is safe, secure and under control in this operation. The Motosuiveur device which we have incorporated into the design of the drum crane is already in use on a number of Nuclear Licensed Sites and was initially developed exclusively for the nuclear crane market. It’s an emergency failsafe hoist brake which will never allow a free-fall condition to develop in the event of a mechanical failure or loss of control on the handled load. Instead it acts as an automatic load arrestor, bringing the load to a safe stop within 30° of angular drum rotation. In a radioactive facility this feature is fundamental to safety as nuclear waste requires the highest standards of handling to ensure people and the environment are kept safe.”

SCX Special Projects has been building its reputation in Northern Scotland with involvement in a variety of projects including work at the nearby Vulcan Naval Reactor Test Establishment (NRTE) – the Ministry of Defence’s facility for testing new designs of nuclear submarine pressurised water reactors. SCX helped to analyse different engineering solution options as well as provide design and consultancy work on their Flask Handling Facility. They are also currently revalidating a Class 1 Reactor Access Housing (RAH) crane to determine whether or not it is still safe to use.

Decades of experience in crane service, maintenance, repair and automation of overhead cranes has built a strong capability for SCX as a bespoke handling solutions provider. It is this reputation and delivery that SCX Special Projects is keen to emphasise in its work in the nuclear industry.

“We design, build and create robust and reliable lifting solutions in compliance with stringent regulations and critical requirements. Due to the safety-critical nature of the nuclear industry, each decommissioning job is entirely unique and we can finely tune solutions to fit these specific requirements. Whatever the job, we start with in-depth consultations, flexible project management and high levels of customer care.

“Our experience of working at these sites in Scotland, combined with our expert knowledge of the nuclear industry from previous projects, has enabled us to showcase our experience and technologies in the demanding industry. This will prove highly beneficial for SCX and our partners in the coming years,” said Pickard.

Mike Andaloro has been named president of global logistics firm BDP International. He succeeds John Bolte, who will head a new wholly-owned subsidiary, 360o Predictive Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Also, Lance Malesh, global chief sales and marketing officer, has been promoted to the newly created position of chief commercial officer.

Andaloro will have responsibility for BDP’s overall performance, including global operations, BDP Transport, sales, business development and the global talent pool at company-owned and joint venture units. He has worked for BDP for more than 25 years, most recently as global chief operating officer, a role he will retain as president. He has also served as managing director of Asia Pacific and chief operating officer of the company’s Global Process Accounts business unit.

“Working closely with our ownership, board of directors and leadership team, Mike will play a leading role in shaping our strategic path forward,” BDP Chairman and CEO Richard J. Bolte, Jr. said in announcing the appointment. “His proven experience in customer relationship management, and success in setting and executing against the most exacting standards for operational excellence make him the right choice at the right time to help us achieve our full potential and help our customers grow.”

360 Logo

As president of 360o Predictive Logistics, which is to be launched in early 2016, John Bolte will be responsible for its strategic direction and executive leadership of all functional departments, including technology, operations, sales, marketing and compliance. He also will be responsible for setting strategic and financial objectives, measuring performance and leading the risk management, corporate governance and compliance functions. In addition, he will represent the company in public engagements with customers, stakeholders and government agencies.

“More of our clients are asking us to move up the supply chain with an integrated service offering,” Richard Bolte said. “We are in a unique position to give our customers and others a more complete view of their global processes, eliminate waste and complexity, and mitigate costs through greater consolidation of providers. This calls for a fully managed, integrated supply chain services enterprise to accommodate rapidly changing market dynamics and business conditions. With John’s leadership, 360o Predictive Logistics will be a highly entrepreneurial business backed by BDP’s culture, values and innovation.”

Malesh will be responsible for all new business creation functions, including ocean, air and surface transportation as well as general management of the company’s new 360o Predictive Logistics unit. These responsibilities are in addition to his continued leadership of the global sales, business development and marketing/communications departments. He joined BDP in 2013 as global chief sales and marketing officer.

“Lance has made a game-changing impact on our global growth strategy to become a more sales-focused enterprise,” Richard Bolte said. “As we continue to refine and build on that strategy, he will bring cohesion and a seamless alliance between all our new revenue opportunities.”

Safety barrier manufacturer A-SAFE recently received a visit from HRH The Duke of Gloucester to present the company with the prestigious Queen’s Award for Enterprise.

The Duke, cousin of Queen Elizabeth II, presented the award to A-SAFE directors in recognition of the company’s achievements in international trade.

A-SAFE supplies a range of flexible, polymer-based safety barriers to industrial workplaces across the world, such as automotive manufacturing, construction sites, food and drink facilities, car parks, warehouses and airports.

Director James Smith, who accepted the award from The Duke on behalf of all A-SAFE staff, said: “We are very honoured to accept the Queen’s Award from His Royal Highness. The company has come a long way in ten years, built on our foundation stones of innovation, manufacturing and the highest possible quality of products and service. We are proud to be a local company with a global reach and we are looking forward to continuing our growth and making the workplaces of the world even safer, more cost-efficient places over the next decade.”

A-SAFE directors were able to demonstrate the capabilities of their independently tested barrier range to The Duke during a factory tour, which also included a look at the company’s research and development department, the unique manufacturing processes and the onsite extrusion, moulding and testing machinery.

Various VIP customers and special guests were also invited to the event, where they were shown video presentations on a fully built in-house exhibition stand and witnessed various product resilience demonstrations as A-SAFE’s barrier range was put through its paces.

A-SAFE’s polymer-based barriers flex on impact from workplace vehicles, absorbing and dissipating the impact forces. Through this, vehicles, floors, equipment, structures and people are protected and the barriers themselves reform.

A-SAFE, based in Halifax, West Yorkshire, has eight international subsidiaries and re-sellers in over 60 countries. The company achieved international turnover of ÂŁ6.4m in 2014.

As of 1 January 2016 vessels are no longer able to discharge ballast in US waters unless their ballast water treatment (BWT) systems are compliant with stringent demands from the USCG. Experts believe that now, more than ever, it is imperative that shipowners make the right BWT choice.

“There’s so much confusion surrounding the issue of ballast water treatment now,” opines Optimarin CEO Tore Andersen, the head of a firm that brought the first ever commercial BWT system to market back in 2000. “The IMO Ballast Water Management (BWM) convention is close to ratification, but yet to be rubber-stamped, and meanwhile the USCG has taken the bold move to act unilaterally to protect the environment with its own regulations.

“So let’s cut through that uncertainty and state a fact: All shipowners that discharge ballast must get a BWT system, preferably an environmentally friendly one, if they want their ships to operate in the future.

“And, if they want to sail in US waters, then they must act now.”

Two standards, one answer

The fact that there are effectively two sets of regulations regarding BWT standards has muddied the waters for shipowners, making it difficult to find the solution they need.

Classification societies are well aware of this, but aren’t as keen to go on record to explain the situation. An environmental solutions expert at one of the world’s leading classification bureaus agreed to speak, but only on the condition of anonymity.

“Ballast water gets by far the most questions of any issue we deal with,” they note with a smile, “and it’s easy to understand why.

“There’s a major difference between USCG and IMO regulations. Basically this centres on standards.

“USCG judges (BWT) systems on the basis of ‘living/dead’ organisms in ballast water, whereas IMO views them in terms of ‘viable/unviable’. In other words, for USCG approval systems have to kill the organisms, while for IMO they don’t, but must ensure they don’t reproduce.

“USCG tests this using the FDA/CMFDA method, which uses a dye to identify living organisms, while the IMO does not list one specific methodology. The MPN (Most Probable Number) test is the norm here, having been used for almost 40 years, but procedures vary from laboratory to laboratory. This is an issue for USCG – it wants a simple, reliable and reproducible testing method.

“Until this is established, and there are hurdles in doing so, both with validation and law making, FDA/CMFDA will remain the USCG standard.”

No alternative

Some may now be feeling lost in a sea of abbreviations. So, here’s the lowdown – USCG regulations are much more exacting. Which means fewer systems will make the grade.

For the time being USCG is temporarily accepting the use of Alternate Management System (AMS), whereby vessels with solutions that have already been approved by another flag state can discharge ballast in US waters. However, USCG approved AMS systems will only be accepted for a period of five years after the vessel’s compliance date, and, if they haven’t met the USCG’s own stringent standards by that point, will have to be changed. That burden of potential cost and uncertainty is not one today’s shipowners, operating in a climate of squeezed margins and aggressive competition, may be willing to accept. They need to be sure.

Unfortunately, the systems that many industry observers seem to prefer for their simplicity, ease of operation and environment credentials (utilising no chemicals) are struggling with USCG approval.

“UV systems are easy to operate, don’t require chemical storage and are a good option for the industry,” opines the classification specialist. “But caution is needed.”

They explain that the majority have been made with the ‘viable’ standard in mind and therefore lack the power – “and you might require a lot more power” – to tackle the tougher FDA/CFMDA test.

“That’s where Optimarin has been smart,” they state. “They’re focusing on USCG current requirements and approval. And the first UV system to get this will have a real market advantage.”

The power to deliver

BWT specialist Optimarin - which has sold over 350 of its systems to shipowners across the world, with more than 270 installed - is coming to the end of a USD 3million USCG approval programme.

Its technology is the first UV system to meet the USCG marine water requirements, successfully satisfying the FDA/CFMDA criteria. Further tests of remaining water salinities are scheduled for spring 2016, after which point approval is expected later in the year.

“Passing the initial tests puts us in pole position in the market for final approval and is a great endorsement of our system’s effectiveness,” comments Andersen. “Each of our system lamps has a 35kw capacity. This power instantly kills any potentially harmful invasive organisms and that’s exactly what USCG wants to see.

“We’re delighted to be leading the way in our segment - something that we put down to decades of work, sector expertise and investment.”

With 2016 now upon us, both Andersen and the regulation expert offer similar, sage advice to shipowners.

Andersen notes: “Install a system that is reliable, simple to maintain, easy to install (make sure any supplier can show a history of retrofit success) and proven within the marketplace. This is still a relatively young sector, so it pays to go with a name you can trust.”

His classification peer, meanwhile, has regulations front of mind:

“It’s simple,” they say. “The industry has to comply, so choose a system that will be compliant.”

Barton Fabrications has installed a 40 tonne flour silo at Speciality Breads’ new £3 million bakery in Margate. The 12 metre high, 3.5 metre diameter ATEX compliant silo has been installed on the 3,000 square metre site, situated close to the bakery’s existing production facility. Speciality Breads, which is a Red Tractor-certified company, will use the new facility to produce around 20 handmade lines, while providing essential additional cold storage, work space and ovens for the team’s artisan bakers.

Commenting on why Barton Fabrications was chosen for the installation Peter Millen, Managing Director at Speciality Breads said:

“Barton Fabrications have a fantastic reputation not just in the UK but around the world for their expertise and service so it wasn’t too difficult a decision. Their professionalism was top notch and there was no problem or issue which they couldn’t counter or have a strategy to solve.

“In any build, whether it’s for a new site or a site being redeveloped, there are always issues, delays and problems on a day to day basis. For this reason, it is essential that you have a team who can be pro-active, re-active, adaptable and flexible. The Barton team ticked all these boxes.”

The new bakery was opened in 2015 by MP Sir Roger Gale who cut a giant ciabatta at the inaugural event.

Cimcorp, manufacturer and integrator of turnkey robotic order fulfilment and tyre-handling solutions, will launch its expanded Dream Factory solution at Tire Technology Expo, taking place in Hannover from 16-18 February 2016.

The new version of Dream Factory includes the handling of raw materials and compound products to provide an end-to-end solution. With an optimized layout design that utilizes 50 percent less floor space than conventional solutions, Dream Factory generates cost savings of up to 50 percent in materials handling capital investment by simplifying the material flow in tyre plants.

The Dream Factory solution is suitable for both brownfield and greenfield factory sites and Cimcorp has delivered automation solutions to seven of the top ten tyre manufacturers globally. Key installations include Cordiant’s Yaroslavl Tyre Plant in Russia – a brownfield site that dates back to 1932 – and Tigar Tyres’ new plant in Pirot, Serbia, which demonstrates the simplicity and speed of installation at a greenfield site. Last year, Cimcorp secured an order worth nearly 30 million euros for an automated handling solution at Qingdao Sentury Tire’s new plant in Thailand, as well as several other orders for major turnkey automated systems in greenfield tyre plants.

In the expanded Dream Factory solution, Cimcorp’s proven gantry robot technology and material handling software provide tangible benefits including total control of the manufacturing process at each stage, real-time data for production and inventory management and streamlined material flows that enable optimum utilization of the most valuable process machinery, such as building machines and curing presses.

Cimcorp will demonstrate the technology behind its innovative Dream Factory solution on stand 4042 at the exhibition.

Materials handling specialists J D Neuhaus will present their concept study of a stainless steel air hoist for the first time at the LogiMAT 2016 exhibition, taking place in Stuttgart from 8 – 10 March 2016. Exhibiting in Hall 6, Stand No. 6G60, the service side of the company will also present information on their comprehensive project planning and maintenance facilities.

Under the motto “engineered for extremes”, J D Neuhaus (JDN) pneumatic and hydraulic hoists and crane systems are used worldwide under the harshest of conditions: on drilling platforms, underground, in foundries, in arctic temperatures as low as -45°, or even under water. Extreme environmental conditions, no matter what the temperature, hot or cold, the performance of JDN products is not impeded.

But indoor uses can be just as extreme as these outdoor ones, namely in areas requiring extreme cleanliness and hygiene. JDN will present the conceptual study of a stainless steel air hoist at LogiMAT for exactly these areas. The sectors JDN is targeting with this study, which also provides for the use of food safe plastics, include for example, the food and drinks industry, chemical and pharmaceutical companies, together with medical and aerospace technology. The study combines the advantages of using compressed air as a method of operation with the hoist construction material of stainless steel. The products will therefore be resistant to corrosion and high levels of humidity, and also easy to clean and disinfect.

Even high-pressure cleaners pose no problem. As the out-going air is extracted and the chain is protected by a bellows, they can also be used in clean rooms (optical and semiconductor industries). And because compressed air is used as a method of operation, the hoist will also be explosion protected (ATEX) so that they can be used in potentially dangerous atmospheres or areas where organically flammable chemicals are handled.

JDN Service will also present its comprehensive offer for planning a project involving the maintenance and general work including overhauls of JDN products. For optimal parts supply, the JDN team has designed spare parts kits and general overhaul kits, which offer the customers a vastly improved service for ordering spare parts. The JDN Service Programme also offers training courses and, where necessary, rented hoists.

In addition, the company will also exhibit examples of standard JDN hoists with an extensive range of accessories and look forward to welcoming visitors to their stand.

The Crown C-5 LPG-powered counterbalanced lift truck with hard cabin, the Crown RT 4020 stand-up rider pallet truck, and Crown's QuickPickÂź Remote solution configured for Dutch supermarket chain Jumbo Supermarkten have all been nominated for 2016 IFOY Awards.

Crown, one of the world’s largest material handling companies, earned nominations recently for three International Forklift of the Year (IFOY) Awards in 2016 by the international IFOY jury. Nominations include the Crown C-5 LPG-powered counterbalanced lift truck with hard cabin, Crown RT 4020 stand-up rider pallet truck, and Crown QuickPick¼ Remote solution configured for Dutch supermarket chain Jumbo Supermarkten.

“Our primary goal is to develop high quality, safe, reliable products and solutions that deliver real-world benefits and added value for our customers,” explains Ken Dufford, Crown Vice President Europe. “The fact that we have once again been nominated for this international award – and in three categories – is a tangible example of our global commitment to improving customer efficiency, productivity and safety.”

Crown’s innovative C-5 gas-powered lift truck is equipped with a Crown-built industrial 2.4-litre engine, plus a high-performance powertrain with up to five years warranty and a precise, dual-radiator cooling system that separately cools engine and transmission. The C-5 can also be fitted with an optional hard cabin to provide operators with a more comfortable working environment with an all-round view. The new lift-truck series prioritises total reliability and productivity-boosting efficiency. The truck is designed as a solution to the most demanding and specialised tasks – indoors and out.

Crown’s RT 4020 stand-up rider pallet truck has a lift capacity of up to two tonnes and combines robust, high-performance lift-truck technology with innovative safety features. Characterised by exceptional responsiveness and reliability, the new model is ideal for fast-paced dock work. It also is highly manoeuvrable, even in very confined spaces. Crown’s AC motor is capable of powerful acceleration and travel speeds of up to 12.5 km/h. To protect operators and keep them comfortable and productive, the truck is equipped with a suspended floorboard and a wraparound, soft-foam lean pad. The truck can also be configured with right-hand or left-hand steering, depending on customer preferences.

Jumbo Supermarkten is the largest privately owned supermarket chain in the Netherlands, with more than 580 stores nationwide. Crown configured a QuickPick¼ Remote solution for the company that has streamlined order-picking operations, significantly enhancing Jumbo’s ability to make deliveries on time. Although Jumbo previously ran trials with AGVs, the company found they only produced marginal improvements in productivity, so the supermarket chain opted for Crown’s semi-automated solution instead. The QuickPick system, which can cost-effectively be integrated into existing working environments, combines GPC 3000 low-level order pickers with an intuitive remote control device.

By implementing QuickPick¼ Remote, Jumbo improved productivity by 7.5 percent while simultaneously enhancing employees’ job satisfaction. While achieving higher pick performance, operators have been able to reduce the number of movements involved in picking operations, meaning they can now achieve more picks with less physical effort. Martijn Vogelzang, Project Manager at Jumbo, says: “Trialling a fleet of Crown GPC 3000 order pickers optimised with QuickPick Remote resulted in significant productivity improvements and less physical effort for the operators at the Veghel distribution centre, so the decision was fairly straightforward.”

The names of the winners of the IFOY Award 2016 competition will be revealed at the CeMAT opening gala in Hanover on May 31, 2016.

In 2013, Crown took the top IFOY award in the “Forklift Truck Solutions” category for the company’s wireless fleet and operator management system, InfoLink¼. In 2014, Crown’s QuickPick¼ Remote order-picking technology won an award in the “Warehouse Trucks” category.

The ability of Mercedes-Benz to offer a 26-tonne chassis with six-man, type-approved distribution cab prompted high-profile global relocations specialist Matthew James to invest in two stunning trucks from dealer Rygor.

Strikingly finished with airbrushed cab artwork celebrating Elvis Presley and the Disney film Frozen, both are 6x2 Actros 2530 LnR models. They are the biggest rigid vehicles on the operator’s fleet, their low frames allowing for an exceptional 2.9 metres (9ft 6in) of internal height, and a cavernous load volume of 2,400 cubic ft. As a result each truck can carry six removals containers, one more than its other 26-tonners.

Matthew James recently secured coveted Gold accreditation from FORS (the Freight Operator Recognition Scheme), an achievement that reflects its commitment to safety. Both trucks are equipped with a comprehensive array of Mercedes-Benz systems including Stability Control Assist, Active Brake Assist, Lane Keeping Assist and Attention Assist (the last three specified before they became standard features following the introduction of new legislation in November 2015)

They are also fitted with all-seeing Brigade Backeye 360° cameras and tracking systems that highlight incidences of fast cornering, harsh braking and sudden stopping, allowing the company to encourage and promote best practice by its drivers.

Matthew James Managing Director Matthew De-Machen said: “With roads both at home and in Europe becoming busier by the day, the safety of our drivers and crew is paramount. The Mercedes-Benz commitment to accident prevention gives me the peace of mind that comes from knowing we’re sending our staff out in vehicles that as well as being comfortable are also designed to ensure they reach their destinations safely.”

Matthew James is a third-generation family business with headquarters in Dartford, Kent, that provides national and international relocation services, and specialises in moving UK citizens throughout Europe. It has depots in Barcelona, Madrid and Malaga, and runs weekly road train services to and from France, Spain and Portugal.

The Actros, however, will be used primarily for domestic assignments. They represent the first in-roads by Mercedes-Benz and Rygor, into a mixed-marque fleet of 20 trucks.

Both are powered by advanced, 7.7-litre BlueEfficiency engines that produce 220 kW (300 hp) and drive through smooth-changing, eight-speed Mercedes PowerShift 3 automated transmissions, while other features include high-performance engine brakes and axle load measuring systems.

Also key to the appeal of the Actros for Matthew De-Machen, was the crew-carrying capability of their 2.3m StreamSpace sleeper cabs. The bottom bunks double as bench seats for up to four passengers, all of whom get seat belts, with the top bunks, folded flush to the rear bulkheads, providing rear cushioning.

“With rules and regulations getting tighter, having extra porters simply sitting on a conventional bunk is no longer an option for any diligent operator,” he explained. “We’ll use four porters for most jobs but these Mercedes-Benz trucks give me the option, for example when we’re packing up at a big house, to send out as many as six in a single vehicle,”

“That extra flexibility represents a huge advantage in this business. My Swedish truck supplier can also do me a six-man cab, but only one that’s built to fire engine specification and is way too big and expensive.”

The Actros bodies are by SBR Specialist Coachbuilders, of Preston, and fitted with a full complement of underfloor lockers and load rails, as well as ramps – the reduced height of the chassis means these are deployed at a low angle, making loading and unloading easier. The striking airbrushed artwork, meanwhile, was created and applied by Andy and Tom Scott at Custom Painthouse, of Barnsley, with the preparation and lacquering undertaken by Lee Aitchison at the nearby LA Spray Shop.

“I like my trucks to catch the eye and these Actros certainly look the business,” continued Mr De-Machen. “The liveries were designed to appeal to different generations – Elvis is a familiar figure to the older generation, while Frozen will be instantly recognised by youngsters. My daughter’s face when she saw herself painted on the truck was priceless!”

He added: “I’ve known Rygor’s Marcus Cahalin for a number of years. He’s a first rate sales executive, and since joining Rygor has also sold me a couple of Mercedes-Benz Sprinter vans – we run six altogether and love them for their reliability and comfort. But he’d also been badgering me to try a Mercedes-Benz truck and I’m very glad that he finally succeeded, because we’re delighted with our Actros.”

Marcus Cahalin added: “Matthew James is a highly respected and influential operator within the removals sector. With this order Rygor has demonstrated once again its ability to deliver truck chassis which are perfectly tailored to meet the precise needs of a diverse and in some cases highly specialised range of applications.”

Kawasaki Precision Machinery is helping manufacturers improve efficiency and cost savings, with the launch of a new range of pumps, motors and control valves on stand 101 at Bauma, 11-17April 2016.

The new products build on the company’s 20 plus years’ experience in hydraulic systems for excavators and signify its move to a total systems supplier for all types of construction machinery, such as telehandlers, backhoe loaders and wheel loaders.

The range includes the K3VLS Axial Piston Pump, developed for machines and equipment that use load-sensing or electronic control systems.

John Boote, business development manager at Kawasaki Precision Machinery, explained: “At the heart of the new range is the K3VLS which is available in sizes 65, 85 and 105cc with 50, 125 and 150cc being officially launched at the show.

“The pump is significantly lighter than previous models in our range and our rigorous in-house testing process shows that it maintains best in class efficiency across the operating range. This greatly impacts the fuel consumption of the machine, resulting in significant cost savings for the end user.”

The K3VLS features electronic displacement control, torque limiting control and variable horsepower control. It has a 280 bar maximum operating pressure, 350 bar peak pressure rating and is proven to lower fuel consumption even when idling.

The other new products in the range include the M7V High Speed Axial Piston Motor, one of the quietest on the market, thanks to its newly developed rotating group, the K8V Series Closed Loop Axial Piston pump (available in 71, 90 and 125cc) and the KLSV Load Sensing Control Valve, a series of flow-sharing, load-sensing main control valves.

All products have benefited from the expertise of the Kawasaki technology centre where Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), is used to maximise component efficiency.

Boote continued: “We have over 450 engineers in the Kawasaki Development Centre,110 of whom specialise in hydraulics. Together, they’ve developed everything from the world’s fastest production motorbike, the Ninja H2R, to jet engines and gas turbines.

“This knowledge and research and development has now been applied to develop a range of products for construction machinery that offer significant efficiency and fuel savings when used as individual components, but even more when combined as a total solution.

“Our new total solutions approach builds on our success in the excavator component market and gives clients efficiency and reliability built in, one point of contact from a supplier perspective, and ultimately saves valuable time and resource.”