Footiron truck keeps workplace moving for 60 years

Workplace equipment provider Slingsby is celebrating 60 years of the tubular footiron truck which is the oldest product in the company's extensive 35,000 product range and is a familiar sight in businesses and other organisations throughout the UK.

The company first started supplying the steel trucks in 1950. Priced at £119, the trucks have a large 200kg capacity and fold up which means they appeal to workplaces of all shapes and sizes.

Dominic Slingsby, Managing Director of Slingsby, explains: "The success of this footiron truck is amazing and comes down to it being a top quality, long-lasting product that is extremely well made. More than a quarter of workplace accidents are still associated with manual handling so demand for it looks set to continue for the foreseeable future.

"Since it was first introduced into Slingsby's product range, the design has remained virtually unchanged. The only real difference is that customers can now choose to have foam fitted tyres fitted instead of the original pneumatic tyres which eliminates the risk of punctures."