Small is Beautiful

Consumer product giant Sara Lee has taken delivery of a ROBUR SBCC compact counterbalanced stacker from Newbury Fork Trucks and Stanley Handling for its UK headquarters in Slough.

Traditionally, full pallets had been moved about the despatch area by hand pallet truck and this had resulted in occasional back problems among staff. The company were keen to maintain an already impressive health and safety record and sought an alternative.

Aware of the diversity of personnel involved and needing to ensure team members could operate in all areas to guarantee maximum operational flexibility, the company turned to existing supplier Newbury Fork Trucks for a solution. The answer was Stanley Handling's ROBUR SBCC compact counterbalanced stacker.

Offering powered lift and drive, a 600kg load capacity, electronic speed control, dual lowering system and a chassis length of only 960mm the SBCC met every requirement of the job. Fitted with optional power steering, the SBCC has provided the manoeuvrability, stacking and safety of a forklift at only a fraction of the cost and with substantially fewer maintenance implications.

A clear case of small is beautiful!

Stanley Handling Limited

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