Telematics provider Cybit says vehicle usage fell 49 percent during Englands World Cup match

Data released by Cybit, the UK's leading online Telematics provider, shows vehicle usage fell by 49 percent in the hour leading up to kick-off of the England v Slovenia match. Traffic volumes remained at half of normal levels for the remainder of the afternoon.

"There was a noticeable increase in activity this morning from 6:30am as employees started their working day earlier to allow for an earlier than normal finish, which shows how flexible most employers are being," says Steve Towe, Cybit's Head of Sales.

"This kind of information helps us and businesses to identify the trends that run throughout UK fleets. The ability to assess information over a length of time makes these trends visible, and once they're identified, appropriate action can be taken. In this instance, we can clearly see the impact of the World Cup on the national fleet, while individual organisations may recognise utilisation drop-offs, excessive vehicle use or regional disparities using the same reporting."

More than 50,000 vehicles at anyone time are monitored on the UK's roads and Fleetstar-Online, Cybit's internet-based fleet tracking suite, records in excess of 10 million live vehicle positions throughout the day.

"Our technology is configured as standard to collect positional and vehicle tracking data every 20 seconds, which means we have access to a very large amount of high-quality information on road usage and road conditions," continued Steve Towe.