Top 8 Considerations for Handling Hazardous Materials

Hazardous items can be found in many industries. Material handling businesses are responsible for ensuring that these dangerous substances are managed safely and in compliance with international regulations. To do it effectively, they must consider several factors. Here are the top 8 considerations that businesses need to take into account when managing perilous materials.

? Identify hazardous sources of pollution

The first step is to identify the specific materials present in your workplace. Hazardous substances include asbestos, chemicals, dust, fumes, gases, paints, batteries, pesticides and other substances. It is crucial to understand the potential hazards associated with each item and how they affect workers and the environment. This information can be obtained through safety data sheets (SDS), which provide details on the handling procedures and emergency response measures.

? Label them

To minimise accidents, companies must ensure that hazardous materials are clearly labelled with contents and potential threats. This complies with regulations such as the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) and informs workers of potential dangers. Proper storage of these items in designated and secured areas also prevents unauthorised access and further reduces the risk of accidents. In the event of an incident, emergency responders can use the labels to respond appropriately and minimise the impact.

? Assess the risks

The next step is to assess the risks. This includes evaluating the potential exposure routes, such as inhalation, ingestion or skin contact, as well as the severity of the hazards, such as toxicity, flammability or explosiveness. You should also consider the likelihood of exposure and the potential consequences, such as acute or chronic health effects.

? Implement control measures

To control the threats associated with hazardous materials, you should implement a hierarchy of control measures, starting with eliminating or substituting the materials wherever possible.

If this is not feasible, you should implement engineering controls, such as ventilation systems, to minimise the release and spread of airborne contaminants.

Spiral ducting is one cost-effective and efficient solution that material handling businesses can use to ensure their air quality is up to standard and complies with government regulations.

This equipment has many benefits, including its air-tightness, ease of installation and durability. Additionally, spiral ducting effectively distributes air evenly throughout a space, ensuring that all areas are adequately ventilated.

Companies can also use a variety of fittings, connectors and accessories to confirm that their spiral ducting solution is complete and reliable. Administrative controls, such as policies and procedures, likewise reduce exposure risks.

? Training the staff

Personnel who handle hazardous materials should receive appropriate training to understand the risks associated with the substances and how to manage them safely. This includes training on handling procedures, emergency response measures and other control efforts. Employees should also be instructed on exposure to airborne contaminants, such as dust, fumes and gases.

? Inspect the use of PPE

In addition to proper ventilation and ducting, material handling businesses must also ensure their workers have access to appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when dealing with hazardous materials.

PPE includes items such as gloves, respirators, goggles and protective clothing. Companies must consider the specific hazards associated with the materials they are handling and ensure that workers are given appropriate protective equipment to shield them against those dangers.

Regular maintenance and replacement of PPE are also essential to ensure its effectiveness. Additionally, it is paramount to regularly inspect PPE use to guarantee that workers wear it correctly.

? Create cleaning stations

Personal hygiene practices, including regular hand-washing, are critical. Corporations should provide access to cleaning stations that are adequately stocked with soap, water, and paper towels or hand dryers.

Having easily accessible cleaning stations encourages employees to regularly wash their hands before and after handling hazardous materials. It prevents the spread of harmful substances and bacteria, as well as protects workers from potential health risks.

Additionally, cleaning stations must be regularly sanitised and maintained, and employees should be instructed on proper hand-washing techniques.

? Monitor and evaluate

Besides implementing control measures, it is equally important to monitor and evaluate their effectiveness. This includes conducting regular air quality testing to ensure that exposure levels are within safe limits, and reviewing incident reports to identify any areas where improvements can be made. You should also regularly check and update your procedures and control measures to confirm they are up-to-date and effective.

Handling hazardous materials requires careful consideration and planning. By taking these steps, businesses can effectively manage dangerous materials and protect the health and safety of their workers.